Part 2

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"Did I ask you your name?" Jimin yanked your hand away from him and walked inside his house. As soon as he entered in his house he screamed his lungs out and threw his belongings placed on the table. "Ho-how dare he? How is he still alive? Ughhh!!! I should've killed him that day!!" Jimin mumbled to himself and immediately took out some white powder(drugs) from the packet and inhaled it and started laughing hysterically. Jimin took out a small photo from his pocket and burned it with a lighter with his eyes darkened.

He walked towards the washroom and flushed the burning photo it in the toilet. "Did he really thought that I'm scared of this?" Jimin thought to himself and sit inside the bathtub, with his face under the water. "I should've killed him in the high school when he first tried to mess with me" jimin thought to himself before inhaling more drugs.

When Jimin went out to buy drugs, he bumped into someone there causing him to drop the packet. The man immediately picked it up for Jimin and looked at him. As soon as Jimin was about to walk again, the man he bumped into held his hands "you're Jimin, right?" the man asked "who are you?" Jimin asked glaring at him. "I'm Jin-young!" Jimin's eyes widened hearing his name because it was the same man who tried to bully Jimin in his high school. "You're still alive? And you still have the guts to touch me?" Jimin asked because when Jin-Young tried to bully Jimin, Jimin beated him so much that Jin-Young had to stay in the hospital for a month. He almost died by the hands of Jimin. "Yes, because I have some unfinished business with you Jimin" Jin-young said showing him the photo of Jimin along with hid dad. "So you know what I did, right?" Jin-Young nodded at Jimin's question. Jimin gave him a chuckle and grabbed his hair and dragged him in his car. When Jin-Young tried to protest, Jimin hit him in his head causing him to pass out. He drove Jin-Young to a nearby cliff and dragged him again by his hair "I'm sorry

....I'm really sorry Jimin. I made a mistake. I will not tell anyone. Please spare me!! Please Jimin!!" Jin-Young begged for his life causing jimin to laugh manically "then you shouldn't have opened your mouth in the first place. Ooppss!! I'm hand slipped" Jimin titled his head with a smug on his face when he pushed Jin-Young from the cliff and head back home.
(A/n end)

Meanwhile, you were bust in unpacking your things with Namjoon. You picked your bags and other stuff and took it to your room upstairs after fighting with your brother for the room for  half an hour, but ofcourse you won as always. You live with you brother, namjoon, because your parents live in abroad. You took of the white sheets from the bed and started cleaning you room when your eyes fell on the window next door. The room was dark and was looking kind of empty but you shrugged it off as looking into someone else's house is bad!!.

After cleaning your room, you were placing your stuffs on the study table when you saw Jimin walking inside his room. He had a rope in his hand. Your eyes widened when you saw him tieing the rope from the ceiling and stood up on the chair. "Wh-what the f-" you screamed and immediately ran out of your room "why did you ye-" Namjoon couldn't even complete his sentence when he saw you running out of the house. You tried to open the door but it was locked, so you jumped inside his house from the window and head towards his room.

Jimin flinched as soon as you barged in his room, Jimin was standing on the stool as he was about to tie the rope around his neck . You looked at him and pushed him from  the chair causing him to fall "what the f*ck are you doing? Why did you come here? Why are yo-" "what is f*cking wrong with you??? Are you crazy? Why are you trying to kill yourself? No matter what you're going through s*icide is not an option" you said breathing heavily. Jimin looked at your face to read your expressions and he's eyes widened when he saw you worried for him. "Ar-are you worried for me?" Jimin asked "Ofcourse I am!! How can I not when I just saved someone from dying?" you said and made him sit besides you.

"Hey, I know we've just met but you can tell me. What's wrong? Why did you try to take your life?" you asked holding his hands. Jimin didn't say anything and just observed your actions. He looked at you, your eyes which were worried for you, your lips. "Hey, say something" you asked again. "Nothing. I just wanted to be gone. I wanted to experience what it feels like" Jimin said "o-okay but can you please make it a little easier for me to understand?" you asked as didn't get a thing what jimin was talking about.

"I met someone today who used to bully me and that hurt me" Jimin lied because he wanted to see you more worried for him. He wanted to see sympathy in your eyes for him. He wanted you to believe that he's a victim when he himself is a beast here. "Oh-oh my god! I'm so sorry!" you said and hugged Jimin because you were feeling too bad for him not knowing what he did with his so called 'bully.' Jimin hugged you back and sniffed your scent tilting his head with a smirk on his face.

"By the way..Umm.. Hey, I'm y/n, Kim Y/n! I told you my name before but now I know why you were rude earlier" you said pulling away from the hug. "I'm...Jimin..Park Jimin." Jimin said shaking your hands. "Ummm...i-i think I should go now. My brother must've been worried for me and promise me that you won't try to do this again" you said holding his hands. Jimin looked at you and then your hands and kissed them "I won't beautiful." Jimin said cupping your cheeks. Your heart started pounding faster and your cheeks got red at his touch.

You smiled at him "but you didn't promise me" you said reaching out your pinky for him to intertwine. He smirked and intertwined his pinky with yours "I promise beautiful that I won't do this again because I think I've found the reason for me to live more in this world." Jimin smirked "you're amazing y/n and you smell so good. I like things with good smell" jimin added.

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