Chapter 145 The Meaning Of Greed

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Megicula generates numerous strands of runes that dismantled Noelle's spell before it could even come into contact. As this happened, Kyoya began to run towards Noelle, only to stop in place as he felt a tight grip upon his heart. Seeing this, Megicula decided to toy with Kyoya and Noelle a little more.

"Curse-Warding Magic:Unbound Slave."

After placing rune arrays on Vanica's head, Megicula took control of Vanica's body and forced her to unleash her magic

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

After placing rune arrays on Vanica's head, Megicula took control of Vanica's body and forced her to unleash her magic. The magic is laced with curse power, increasing its strength. As several spears of blood were about to rain down on Noelle and himself, Kyoya quickly stood in front of his junior.


With his grimoire opened, Kyoya crafts a bow from ice, forms multiple arrows from both hands, and fires them at high speed towards the raining projectiles

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

With his grimoire opened, Kyoya crafts a bow from ice, forms multiple arrows from both hands, and fires them at high speed towards the raining projectiles. As the two spells clashed, Megicula looked at her two opponents. As she saw her senior struggling, Noelle tried to go to his side.


Just as she was about to go towards him, Noelle's eyes widen in shock with what happened next. Her Sprit Dive was suddenly undone. Seeing Noelle in such a helpless state, Megicula let a laugh escape.

"You all have lost. Your chance to defeat me has dissolved along with your spell. Even if you somehow manage to attack, it won't reach me. Don't you see, my Decaying World has spread across this area. No one will arrive to save you. Even if one does so, nothing will be done. Shouldn't that be enough for you to give up?"

Noelle couldn't help but let her anger show. Right now, she was helpless against Megicula. This devil is far stronger than she expected. Was this it? Was all of her training for nothing? Was she really going to fail to avenge her mother and save her Captain?

"Who decided that?"

Noelle and Megicula looked to the side. A single young man stood as he breathed heavily. As Loropechika kept trying to attack, the young man kept freezing her spells in ice. That's when Megicula's eyes widen in shock.

"My spell is around this whole area. It should dismantle any spell that comes into contact. Devil Slayer's basically made for killing my kind...don't tell me! Do spells originating from Devil Slayer Magic have some sort of resistance against a Devil's magic?"

"We've lost? Who the hell decided that? Our attacks won't reach you? Who the hell decided that?! But most importantly, who the hell told you to lose hope, Noelle!!!!!"

Noelle's eyes widen in shock as she heard Kyoya. When she looked at him, one thought came to mind. Kyoya's been fighting way longer than her, yet he hasn't given up. He hasn't wavered ever since he came to the Spade Kingdom.

"We are part of the Black Bulls. The worst Magic Knight squad in the Clover Kingdom. No one expected much from us. But look at everything we've done! We've helped fight off the bastards who attacked the Royal Capital! We've defeated Vetto and saved the Underwater Temple! We've fought the Eye of the Midnight Sun and stopped the elves, and even killed the devil responsible for that event!!!!"

While Kyoya spoke, Loropechika tried to have the serpents from her spell to devour Kyoya. However, the moment they got close to the boy, they were frozen in an instant from the magic power he was exerting. Soon Kyoya swung his right arm as Loropechika's body was frozen in place. As he spoke with Noelle his gaze was now locked onto Megicula.

"No one would've believed we've done all those things, yet we have. We've faced a lot of impossible odds before and when has that ever stopped us! I don't care if it's a devil or even god itself. If anyone makes the people i'm proud of to call my squad mates lose hope, if they try to destroy more of the things I love, if they try to rob people of a future like they did with Natsu and Ur........I'LL FREEZE THEIR VERY EXISTENCE AND SHATTER IT TO PIECES!!!!!!"

"I'm Kyoya Fullbuster of the Black Bulls! And i'm the one who'll kill you!!!!! As a Devil Slayer, I swear

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"I'm Kyoya Fullbuster of the Black Bulls! And i'm the one who'll kill you!!!!! As a Devil Slayer, I swear....YOU'LL DIE BY MY HAND!!!!!"

"Wanting to kill me while preserving truly are a greedy individual, Kyoya Fullbuster."

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