Omg I don't know who is and who's not.

Wait, fucking hell. Roni is a werewolf that's why she smiled at me whenever I ranted about them.

That bitch.

“Noah get the injured-” Sugar started Patting my fur.

Noah too?

Well no wonder he was so jealous of Liam.

Liam -

“I'll take care of everything here, alpha. Help Luna” He urged his voice not of the Noah I knew.

Where's Liam? Did they kill him?

I felt my body getting picked up, wind rushing past me as sugar ran.

Not even gasping for air.

Woah, cool.

I love werewolves.

“I'm sorry cupcake, I was late. I promised you that I won't let you get hurt again. That's exactly what happened. Things didn't go as we planned it to” He whispered tightening his grip on me.

I wanted to tell him he shouldn't be sorry.

I should be, I let them kill his mother. I let them give him pain that'll company him until his last breath.

It'll forever trap me in pool of guilt.

A second rewind though- what did he mean by we planned? Who is we? What is the plan?

“Hang in there just a while longer little mate. The doctor will be here soon. Until then I'll talk to you. I know even though you can't hear me, I still want to tell you how much I missed you. I couldn't sleep at night. If you look at me now you won't be able to recognize me with this beard. I couldn't swallow a bread thinking that have you eaten? How could I let you be taken from my arms. I'm not an alpha. Alpha not only protects his pack but his Luna too. You're my whole world cupcake, forever will. I talked to hazel. She's just like you but a bit sensible might I add. Who gave you the permission to just run away?

Like hell will I let you escape my arms again. I was restless while you were gone. I couldn't imagine what you felt being there with Ryder. I'm sorry, so fucking sorry” He sniffed crying as he engulfed me in his arms.

I'm not crying, you are. How did I get so lucky?

“I felt you're pain while you were shifting, I feel like an asshole. When we shift our loved ones are there to comfort us who was there for you? No one. I should've been there. I'll be there by you're side where I should be forever in the future. Forever and always cupcake. I'm never letting you go. It physically hurted me so much. Everyone missed you. No one was there to shut our bullshit up or play games with us. No one was there to put a smile on my face. Mom - mom missed you to cupcake. Her dying wasn't your fault never was never will. Don't you dare ever take it upon you” He sobbed clutching me more like gluing me to his chest as I cried.

I'm so sorry sugar. For leaving you, for making you cry, for taking your mom away. I'm so fucking sorry.

Hazel talk to me. I need you.

My body felt numb with the pain ait felt stinging.

“A-Alpha” Someone stuttered opening the door with a bang.

“Come in” Sugar croaked his voice hoarse.

“Alpha I need you to stay back. I'm gonna inject Luna with an antidote and it'll make her go into episodes” A women spoke as sugar moved away from the bed, my heart whined feeling his warmth go away.

“Do what you can. I want my harley back today” He ordered as a hand touched my neck.

“She's been injected through her neck, so maybe she might not be able to speak for a few days but it's not a major problem within a few days Luna will recover. She's strong for surviving like this as well as shifting in midst of it” she spoke softly as my heart immediately melted at her.

She's such a sweetheart.

“Make sure she doesn't get hurt” He ordered once again with that alpha tone.

Dang I'm loving this too much.

Look at me will you about to go in these episodes and here I am talking about how his voice is hot.

I'm screwed.

“Yes alpha, rest assured” she answered injecting something in me.

My world became colorful from black to white.

It was as if I was going spiraling down in a black hole. Never know when it ends.

My body shaked violently as hands grabbed me down.

Pain started coming but this time it wasn't that strong.

This feels like getting thrown off a balcony.

Yeah, I know doenst really makes sense until you experience it.

Don't though, it isn't worth it. It still hurt like a bitch.

This feels so dizzy.

“What's happening mary?” Sugar asked the doctor I suppose.

I barely heard his voice as everything started to become lighter by the second, all the weight lifting off.

“She's gonna lose consciousness, when she wakes up all she's gonna do is puke all the Wolfsbane out of her system” mary replied as I fell into a blank dream.

This feels fucking nice.

No pain.
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