✨Love Beyond Limits-7 ✨

Start from the beginning

Sia(to herself): I was sure about one thing that they both have definitely got some differences. By talking to Riddhima, I became a lil bit suspicious that how can she know so much about bhai? But looking at the behaviour of Bhai! Its proved that they were related to each other in the past and they knew each other very well. Mayebe its a Love Story!! I have to tell this to Kabir. He’ll surely help me to know the truth.

In Vansh’s room,
Angre: You called me Vansh?
V: Ya Angre!! That Riddhima is now crossing her limits!!(furious)
A: What had she done now?
Vansh narrated the whole incident about the contract and Sia.
V: Now I am bound to do agree with her just because of Sia. Vansh RaiSinghania has never taken orders. Infact, He commands and orders others. But this Riddhima!! She is getting on my nerves now.
A: Actually! I wanna tell you one more thing! I found something about her.
V(desparate): What?
A: You told me to search about the person who was facilitating Riddhima financially when She was studying in medical college.
V: Yeah..7 years ago, Riddhima’s parents died in a car accident when She was studying in that college. After their death, She told everyone including Sejal that her uncle is facilitating her financial needs. But she had never told anything about him. I wanted to know about him but she used to change the topic always. I think her uncle can give us information that we needed. I want to know how she became doctor even after her being rusticated from that college on my orders.?
A: His name is Manish Raichand! He is a billionaire business tycoon of Spain and also an extremely dangerous Mafia Don.
V: Manish Raichand!!! Who is he? I have deep approaches but I have never heard about him. Angre, Send your men to him. I want every information about Riddhima.
A: Well, I don’t think he’ll help. He won’t tell you anything.
V: Why?
A: Because No one has ever seen him since past 7 years. Manish Raichand is another mystery. He has approaches both in business world and mafia underworld. Its even difficult to approach him.
V: Interesting very interesting!!!
A: But one thing is very shocking Vansh!
V: What!
A: He operates from Spain. No one knows anything about his residence or hide outs. He became active 7 years ago in Spain when he joined Mafia world And before that He was living in India. And In indian Government records, He was declared dead 7 years ago.
V:(shocked):What!! How can this be possible??
A: I don’t know Vansh but I am now sure that this is the reason we are not able to get information about Riddhima. Manish Raichand is behind all her business and supporting her, keeping her information confidential. Even his own Information is extremely Confidential.
V(frustrated ): I knew it! This Riddhima is not a simple doctor Angre. I am sure she has some dangerous motives. Its not just a simple hospital thing! Its damn more deep and dangerous.
A: How are we going to find about her? First, only Riddhima was a mystery but now, This Manish Raichand!! Another trouble.
V: Riddhima Is becoming a mystery for me. The more I try to solve this puzzle the more I myself got puzzled. Now I’ll personally spy on her all movements. Your men are not needed now. I want to solve this mystery ASAP. First, We have to find out about her motives.
Angre nodded.

Next day in hospital, Sia was checking the patients when Kabir came to her.
K: Hi
S: Hi
There was a silence then for a moment.
K: Actually….I want to say sorry for yesterday.
S: For what!
K: Aaa! I guess for the coffee fight. I shouldn’t have argued with you.
S:(laughing) When did I say that I am Angry on you. Infact I enjoyed that fight alot.
K: Hahhaaha. I enjoyed it too.
S: But I am sorry too for arguing.
K: Oh leave it.
S: By the way, You looked cute all drenched in coffee
K: You yourself looked no less.
They both gave each other a high five. Then, realized what they both are doing. Sia was embarrassed, first for calling him cute and then becoming too much frank with him. Kabir realized her embarrassment.
K: Don’t!
S: Huh?
K: Don’t hesitate that much Sia. I guess We can be friends rather than just being colleagues?
S: Yeah but…
Kabir forwarded his hand,
K: Lets restart! Hi! I am Kabir Mathur!
S: I am Sia Raisinghania!!
K: So, Would you like to come over coffee with me?
S: Yeah let me complete my shift
K: Not here. Lets go the cafe outside the hospital. I am just bored with this environment.
S: Haha. Me too a lil bit.
K: Give me a hug girl! Friendships start with a friendly hug!
They both were chitchatting and hugging each other totally forgetting about others who were present there.
Riddhima interrupted their conversation.
R(clearing her throat): If you both are done restarting your meet and greet software then let me tell you that there is alot of work here. So, you better postpone your outing plannings.(sarcastically) You can go on a date some other day. I have got some work for you.
Kabir and Sia Immediately got back. They were so embarrassed that they bowed down their head looking in other directions avoiding the gazes of Riddhima. Riddhima smiled at their cuteness.
R: Don’t be so much embarrassed my cuties that I keep on adoring you both and forget the work I am here for.
K: What is it?
R: Actually, I am arranging a medical camp and Sia! You will be the head of that camp.
S(surprised): Really???
R: Yeah! And Kabir you are going to supervise that camp and make sure to arrange everything. (Gesturing him)
Kabir understood that she wants her to protect Sia while she works for camp. Kabir nodded.
K: Don’t worry. I’ll handle everything.
S: Will I be able to do it?
R: Sia! I trust you completely. Give your best! (Serious) Now both of you get back to work.

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