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Lily's POV: I was answering a call. I saw an two-wheeler rushing, as I turned to avoid getting hit, someone bumped into me.
The person who bumped seemed to be in a hurry, as he was passing after bumping, he yelled "I'm sorry" and disappeared.

I couldn't see his face as he was wearing a hat and mask. By the way he was dressed, he seemed to be young.

Lily: Aahhhh!!! My shoulders!!!!!!
Is he a Gym trainer or what?
Feels like  as if I got hit by a huge rock.

Edward: What happened? Ms. Lily, are you okay?

Lily: Nothing, I'm fine. Let's leave.
[After the meeting with the art exhibition manager]

Lily: Look into the following procedures. As soon as we sign with them, we have to make progress. We can't be postponing like last time.

Edward: Sure. I'll look into it.
Lily: Then, I'll drive home.


[Lily at her home]

Lily's POV: Ahh... I haven't slept for the past three days, maybe I should go out and relax myself before I go to bed.

<Lily leaves for a quick jog to the nearest park.>

Lily: Feels so good! I should take a break once in a while too. Not many people are out at this hour too.

Lily's POV: As I was walking my way out the park, i tripped over my shoelace and I was about to fall but I bumped into someone. My hands were on his shoulders. It was very clear that we both were shocked.

As I tried to get back on my feet, his pendant got stuck in my hair. It was very embarassing. I removed his pendant from my hair.

Lily: I'm very sorry.

<It's okay. Give my pendant back.>

Lily: Wait! I know this voice, I've heard it before. I've seen this mask and hat too. It's familiar.

Lily: YOU!

                WAR OF EGO CONTINUES......

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