EP-28 [ Right or WRONG pt.2]

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Lily: Yahh!! My phone battery is so weak nowadays. Ari, do you have a charger?

Arina: No!
Lily: Powerbank?
Arina: Let me check.
Lily: Charge this up,please!

[Lily hands her phone to Arina and leaves quickly]

Arina: Lily,wait! Where are......she left without hearing!
Arina's POV: Who is that calling? ERIC!

[Arina,why is Lily not picking up her phone?]
Arina: Her phone battery is weak and her phone blacked out!
[I need to talk to her]
Arina: She left!
Arina: I don't know!

Arina's POV: He hanged up. Why are they both in a hurry?
Now, Zach is calling!

Zach: Ari, let's meet!
[What happened?]
Zach: I'll explain when we meet.
Zach, I'm standing in front of the cafe.

[In the cafe]
Arina: What happened? Anything serious? Karol is also here!
Zach: Did you se the notice?
Arina: What notice?

Karol: Lily has been selected as the exchange student representative of your department.!

Arina: Wow! Isn't it a good news?

Zach: yeah,but..
Lily was selected a week before we had congratulatory party for Haney.

Arina: What?!! You mean "All this time she was hiding from us."

Karol: I heard that "When your proffeseur was talking with Lily, one of your classmate's heard the conversation. And the conversation was a week ago.

Zach: Why would she hide from us? Does Haney know about this?

                      War of ego continues.......

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