The Myth of Mythgrave (part 2)

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As Lena looked into Kamden's eyes, she felt less worried about being out of the boundary. At least she was no longer alone but in the company of her sister's husband and friend.

"Lena." Came Wymond's voice as he finished reading. "I am sorry about you Father."

"You only know as much I do." She said. "But you needed to tell Hilda something, what is it?"

Wymond looked at his friend who shrugged.

"Hilda needs to be careful. We are coming close to discovering a dreadful secret."

"How do you mean coming close?" Lena asked.

Kamden spoke up, "we just need to confirm our suspicions." The he paused, thinking about whether he should tell her. "We believe there is someone or something that is being held captive in our dungeons."

There was silence. "How do you know that? Why would there be someone we are holding captive? What do you mean by something?"

"Slow down Lena." Wymond said. "You are like your sister." He added, mumbling.

"The previous Battle was over which town, Mythgrave or Oxbourne, had the most power - or that was what everyone was told." Kamden said. "We believe that was a lie and there is something more to it. Something stranger. That is why the town does not know the truth because the truth sounds so utterly false that no one would believe it."

Lena obviously looked confused because Wymond explained some more.

"There is a myth that creatures from the past still live around today. Such creatures used to live free and people would not harm them. Until King Mythgrave wanted to find a use for them: they have powers - magical. They can do things people cannot. He took some of these creatures into his dungeons and tried to discover what powers they held. But they did not show them to the King. He got angry and started asking people to help but the more people he told, the more the secret would spread.

"One day, his daughter found out what he was doing. That night she slipped out of the castle and to the dungeons. Here she found the creatures. She was shocked to find only one alive. In drawings they always looked so beautiful to her but in person, they looked scruffy, they had black eyes, not the crystal clear eyes she imagined. But she talked to the creature anyhow, and it realized that she was not like the other people who to wanted it to show them its powers.

"After some time, it's eyes began to lighten. Then it cleansed itself without water: it's skin became less grubby, it's hair began to whiten, the cuts, grazes and bald patches healed themselves so all that was left of them were scars.

"The young Princess could not believe what she was seeing. She thought she would be scared but there was something about the creature that told her not to be. Instead she felt pity.

"Quickly, she found that she needed to escape. She needed to run from the town, away from all the secrets and lies. So she did just that, taking the creature with her. Somehow she got out with the creature by walking through the town without anyone noticing her. She walked and walked until she reached the town of Oxbourne. However, as she arrived, she realized the creature had disappeared. Later she began to question how she got out without being seen and she came to the conclusion that the creature put a spell over her which allowed her to not be seen for the whole journey whilst it was with her.

"The kind King and Queen of Oxbourne allowed her to live in the town and work in their castle.

"One day, the Queen took her aside and told her that she had been trying to have children but they never survived. She was becoming too old to bare children and they needed someone to carry the throne on. The girl was chosen and soon she became Queen of Oxbourne, happily married and with six children.

"Until her dying day, she did not know how she escaped but she believed that the creature helped her." Wymond finished.

There was silence but for the birds and the wind in the trees.

"You believe that this creature is being held in our dungeons?" Lena said.

"We believe so, yes." Kamden replied.

"And you are worried that there will be another battle over it?"

"There will be another battle over it, yes."


"It has powerful magic, who wouldn't want that?" Wymond said.

"How are you sure the myth isn't just that - a myth?"

"Ferox goes to the dungeons every day. What would be down there that is so important?"

"Have you been following him?"

Kamden locked eyes with Lena.

"For the safety for your sister, yes."

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