The Suitor

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I linked arms with Ferox as I stepped out the carriage and onto the cobbled street. Faces were already turning. I always hated attention.

"Hilda," he stared and then seemed to question himself, "may I call you that?"

"By my first name? Of course!" I said, putting on my best charade.

We wandered through the streets, letting all the towns folk see that we were courting.

"What is it that you do?" I asked.

"I am a Commander. If we were to be in battle, the men would look directly to me." He explained with and air of importance about him.

"Oh." I said, trying to sound impressed. "Well, I like riding."

"Riding? And how far do you tend to ride? How often?"

"I tend to remain within the boundary of the castle." Lie I thought! "I will try to exercise Storm - my horse - everyday."

"Does a princess really have that much time? I suppose though, you must enjoy it whilst it lasts. For once we are married, I am sure you will be needed around more often. Oh, and people need to watch you of course."

People need to watch you, what did he mean by that?

I looked up at the man and smiled, he returned it.


Hilda either knows how to put on a face or I am winning her over, Ferox thought.

He was becoming more attracted to her, the more time they spent together. He was starting to think that their marriage would be more than just power to the throne and he was possibly falling in love. He could overlook the kiss between Duke and her now. She probably didn't ask for it, he thought, and that is why she will love me.

It would be time to leave soon and he actually didn't want to go.

Taking the princesses hand, he bent down and kissed her knuckles. Looking up at her, he could see the beauty the Fighters would touch themselves over and he thought how much he wanted their wedding.

She smiled a gorgeous smile, which lit her eyes up.


The wind was blowing in my hair. If I was younger, I would have thought all my troubles would wash away. I know that when I get home, however, they will still be there.


Ferox could see a snowy white horse in the distance. The rider had brown hair which went all the way down her back.

He told his own horse to catch her up by squeezing his sides and quickening into a gallop.

"Hilda." He shouted as he was close enough for her to hear him. "Hilda?"

She didn't respond at fist and then she slowed her horse and turned.

"Ferox." She sounded pleased to see him.

"You do like riding I see."

"Yes, this is Storm." She patted the horses neck.

Ferox dismounted and she did the same. This was going quite well.

"How do you look amazing, no matter what you wear?" She was in riding leathers: her top was tight and done up by buckles and she had leather trousers on that showed every detail of her legs.

"Oh!" She said and looked away.

The sudden urge to touch her washed over him. Should he do that? Duke had. He moved so fast, gripped her waist and tilted her over so that she was pleasantly surprised. She responded to his kiss which confirmed everything. She did love him.


The kiss lingered for some time. I was left with a bitter taste in my mouth. Not from the kiss but from him.

𝘚𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘴, 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘓𝘪𝘦𝘴Where stories live. Discover now