Chapter 17: Rage

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I am kind of a good girl.

Suddenly, a hand grips my shoulder and spins me around, forcing me to face the counter.

Startled, I turn to see a guy next to me, my heart pounding and mouth slightly agape.

He smirks, "It's you," he snarls, and I look at him, confuse. "You're that self-centered bitch that didn't hold the elevator for me," oh no.

Could my day get any worse!

I didn't want to cause any trouble with this guy to get any attention in here or hurt from him, so I do what any coward would do. "I am sorry-" I try apologizing but he cut me off with his rage.

"I don't need no apologies from you because I already know you're some spoiled good-for-nothing whore that pretends to be better than everyone else," he argues with a scowl, causing me to grit my teeth in anxiety and worry, feeling uncomfortable being around him.

He can hurt me, especially when he's angry with me for not holding a damn elevator door for him, so it's best to walk away.

"I-I am sorry," I proceed to walk away when he grasps my arm tightly, causing my body to go tense and making me gasp in horror. He's going to hurt me! "Let go off me!" I shout at him in dread, pulling away my arm from his tight grip.

"That's what with you little bitches-"

Unexpectedly a fist comes flying into the side of his head, bashing him on the counter, and I abruptly grasp my arm where he held and begin to rub it before I turn to look at...Lorenzo.

But before I can utter a word or properly meet his gaze, Lorenzo firmly grasps my arm and forcefully guides me toward a room. As we walk closer, my eyes widen at the sight of two imposing bodyguards stationed at the entrance, their formidable presence accentuated by their muscular frames and dark complexions.

He's angry seeing me here, and I am apprehensive of what he might say.

My heart is hammering from my chest, and I can't stop swallowing in anxiety. I don't want to make him upset with me more than he is.

We get inside the room, and I start to look around.

The room is dimmed, with fewer persons that are scattered throughout, their gazes fixed on the captivating performance of strippers, but my focus remains solely on Lorenzo.

It's evident that he is far from pleased, and I yearn for an opportunity to make amends, to set things right between us- if only he grants me that chance.

Unexpectedly Lorenzo forces my back against the wall, and I find myself staring up at his stern countenance.

His eyes, usually alluring and enigmatic, now blaze with a mixture of anger and disappointment.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" He scolds, his tone laced with both frustration and concern, his hands on either side of me, effectively trapping me against the wall.

Pressing against the unyielding surface, my body trembles in shock as I meet his intense gaze. "I-I... I came for you... I needed to apologize and... and to see if you were okay," I stammer, averting my eyes in nervousness.

I never intended to upset him, and the sight of him in this state frightens me.

Lorenzo's hand gently cups my face, redirecting my gaze back to his stern yet undeniably attractive visage. "How did you expect me to feel, Kitten? And to hell with how I feel, someone was fucking hurting you!" He scoff in disbelief. "What if I hadn't heard you scream? Fuck. I shouldn't have let that bastard go. I should've beaten him to a pulp! Damn it, Kitten, what were you thinking coming in here?!" His voice grows cold and deep, resonating with an overwhelming anger.

My Abductor, My Submissive 16+Where stories live. Discover now