We are BTV

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After Jimin's turn, the whole gang is together as a pack of vampires. Suga was annoyed at first, but since everyone now is turned, he is secretly happy with it. He has ensured he won't be alone in the future. The thing is now, they must keep a low profile on the hunt because this time there are 7 mouths to feed. Things got more complicated now. So they splitted up in 2 groups to hunt.

Suga hunts mostly with Jin and Hoseok. RM and the maknae line hunt together too. Each one has a dazzling seducer on their side, because Jin can mindread and give illusions to their victims, and V just unleashes his charms on the victim. So they both have a lure. Jungkook is strong enough to carry the body and hide it, and Hoseok is smooth in his movements to hide the body. Suga can stake out the victim and RM had a good hearing to hear the surroundings very well, in doing so being able to pick a victim that is alone and when there are not many other witnesses nearby. Jimin is just really fast runner. Their teams are varied and practical. They do keep their hunting to a bare minimum, and they never hunt together. There are a few days inbetween the 2 teams alternating.

There is another worry coming up. The military service. They can't do the medical examination. The doctors would grow suspicious. So the fact is, they are famous and can't escape their service. Luckily they receive the news that they are exempt from it because of their status. But the thing remained that they would have to find a way to get out of the spotlight and retire without drawing too much attention to them. They even thought about a fake suicide pact that they would all die at once for the public and live somewhere else, hidden for a few years. Until no one remembered them. But the thing is, they were already legends, and if they died like that, it would make the allure around them even bigger. So that won't make it better. So they decided to die off with regular intervals after they reached 35. Because from then it would be obvious they aren't getting older. Set with that plan they continue being BTS for now.

--The end

Maybe I can make a sequel or others can continue, let me know in the comments and I'll see what I can do.

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