Jeon Jungkook

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V is adapting really quick, and has been slightly awkward with Jhope, just as Jhope has been avoiding V equally as hard. Jhope feels guilty. He can almost not bear the guild. V just feels awkward and weird around Jhope. He didn't expect him to confess that bluntly, and frankly, it took him by surprise. He looks at JK, who is working out in his room with dumbells, looking like  fucking snack like that and he swallows. It's been a while since he felt this raw attraction to him. JK suddenly places the dumbells down and looks at V. He has noticed something off from his hyung. Something....special...

V still have no clue how to temper his charisma from his vampire super power. So unconciously he releases it when he loses focus. Now he was overthinking about JK's body, he slipped out of guard and let it out. JK is staring in trancelike state at his hyung as he walks closer to him. 

"Hyung? Are you okay?" He asks while kneeling in front of V. V's dark eyelined eyes look at him and JK feels as if someone just squeezed out all the air he had in his lungs and forgot how to breath. "What would you do without me?" He asks JK. JK is surprised at the sudden question and thinks a bit. "Why would I be without you?" And he softly strokes through V's hair. "You are not going anywhere, right?" And V bites his lip, resulting in attacking JK's heart again. "I am not, but you are." "Hyung? What do you mean?" "One day you'll die and I'll be without you..." "Hyung..." And JK laughs uncomfortably. "You are starting to depress me and creeping me out. Stop talking about death like that. If anything, you'll die before me, as you are older than me." V's eyes shoot fire for a second and he gets up, and by the surprise of the sudden movement, JK rolls backwards on the floor. V is on top of him and pinning him down. JK can see the tendon next to V's temple move and V is clenching his jaw. "I can't keep this from you any longer. I would go nuts if I lose you." "Hyung..." JK softly strokes V's hair and looks into those smoldering eyes of his hyung.

JK launches for V's lips, taking them, not able to resist any longer. There is nothing he wants more at this moment. V kisses back, because he had a crush on JK for the longest of times now. Unknowing to his own vampire power charm that leaked out and led to this sudden show of intimacy, he gives himself over into it, happy that JK replied to his feelings. V is pushing his lower body to grind on JK's and JK is wriggling underneath V, wanting, willingly. V leans over JK and with his whisper, hoarse voice he asks JK "Can I have you?" JK moans and nods while thirsting for V's lips again, as an infant for the breastmilk of his mother. V undresses them both and is still on top of JK. Not sure if he wants to be topped by JK or not. He didn't care about it. He could do both. He keeps kissing JK's body, and if the youngster would topple them and get on top, he would let him, otherwise, he will proceed to top JK. 

JK stays submissive under V's lips and V decided to take it. JK's virginity that is. His hands slip down over JK's body and he scissors them into the hole, prepping JK to receive him. With his other hand he is softly jerking at JK's member. JK is moaning sinfully at this and V decided he took long enough prepping JK. He lifts the younger one's legs up and gets inbetween them, placing them over his shoulders. V gently pushes in. JK squeezes into V's arms with his nails and tries to adjust to V's dick inside him. "Hng..." "Sttt, it will feel good soon" and he softly pulls back before pushing back in, deeper this time, trying to find the spot. 

When V found the spot, judging by the sinful face JK was making, he sat back and pulled the younger one on his lap. He has an excellent view on the muscle-pig's chest now, but his face is ever so sinful, with his jaw ajar and tongue slightly peeking out. JK's head is completely red, from excitement and horniness. There is precum dripping from his member, and it is sticking to V's soft belly. He softly bites JK over his chest, and into the nipple, resulting in the younger one releasing sinful cries, only heating up the vampire's libido more and more. JK has a weakness for pain apparently and V greedily takes advantage of this. Suddenly he notices something he was to much in love about before carnal lust took both of them over. JK is so close to cumming, his heartbeat is quickening and V can see and hear the blood flow underneath JK's skin in the neck. His lovebites start to move upwards and he pulls JK's head closer, gently kissing him before the kisses trail down again. "H-hyung.." JK pants. "I am close... I am cumming!"  and V can feel the hot strings hit his belly and chest. No longer able to contain it, his instinct took over and in the moment the heart was rushing in his prey the fastest, he sinks his teeth in. JK's eyes grow wide and he gasps at feeling this. "T-tae?" He asks in a shivering voice, but the elder one doesn't seem to hear him. JK is still weak from his 'little death' to wrestle free, and he feels weaker and weaker by the second. 

V has his eyes closed and enjoys the taste. He cums inside JK at the same time, from the sheer delight of tasting the blood and having the sex. It's so intense, he forgot about where he was and with who. He can feel the weight increase on his shoulder and his eyes jump wide open. He takes his lips off of JK and shakes the muscle pig. "Gukkie?" He asks and Gukkie doesn't respond. He panics slightly and knows that he has only one thing left to do. "Sorry Gukkie... But I love you and now we'll be together forever...." and leans over JK again.

JK opens his eyes while he is on his bed. V is sitting beside him. "W-what happened; Hyung?" and V smiles his box smile at JK. "Now we'll be together forever." "What do you mean?" And JK remembers their sex session just now. "Hyung I..." But then he realises he doesn't remember what happened right after it. "Did I pass out?" He asks. V smirks. "You could say it like that, yeah." "What do you mean? It wasn't?" "You are a vampire now." "I'm a...WHAT?!" V smiles and uses his finger to point out the syllables. "You-are-a-vam-pi-yah." and he sings it happily. JK starts to laugh forceably. "You got to be kidding me. You've had your weird strikes before, but this one is beyond comparisation. Hyung, it isn't funny." "Who ways it's a joke? I'm serious." "You can't be, vampires aren't real." "Aren't they? Boy, do I have news for you." And he gets up. He grabs a pen and stabs himself very hard in his stomach. Blood is soaking through the shirt immediately, and JK has a face of pure horror on. "HYUNG! We need to call 911!" And he scrambles up, feeling very stiff and sore somehow. But V lifts his shirt and shows the wound just before it closes before JK's eyes. "If vampires aren't real, what the hell did I just do then?" JK is stunned. "But, but this can't be true... You are saying I'm one now too?" "Just like all of your hyungs. Except for Jimin." "Impossible." "Possible." JK is angry, and somehow hungry. He feels cold, and sore. "Am I supposed to feel this cold?" "Wait until you find out you don't have a pulse anymore." JK grabs in a panic his neck and tries to find his pulse, but to no avail.

He sinks to his knees. "Hyung, why? Why did you turn me?" "Because I love you and I want to always be with you, even if time passes, we will never be apart." "But I didn't know, and I didn't want this!" JK is angry and storms out, still hungry, and growing more and more hungry by the minute. He passes RM in the hallway and RM turns around. "JK?" He looks at where he came from and through the door he can see V standing, all flabbergasted and frankly looking a bit out of it. "Do you know what's bitten JK?" V bites his lip. He nods. "I did." "Did you have a fight? You know we should talk fights out as soon as possible, right?" "Hyung, I bit him." "Yeah I noticed, he looked very churned." V suddenly looks at RM and his eyes look flaming and sad. "I BIT HIM" "You...oh..." Suddenly it dawns on RM. "Why?" He turns all serious now. "It was a spur of the moment kind of thing. I wanted him with me, forever." "Have you ever heard of consent?" "He did! He initiated the sex!" "I'm not just talking about sex consent. You have forced something else on him. Not sex. A life, or rather death." "He said he wanted to be with me forever." "Did you include the fine print of that contract?" "N-no." "Then it wasn't done with full consent." V seems to be hit with the realisation that RM just forced upon him. He feels bad now. RM sighs and walks out, to find JK.

RM quickly brieved all of the others and they all run out, because JK left the apartment and is on the lose without a clue about his abilities. 

JK runs into a dark alley, he noticed that if he was in the main street, he felt hungry. He saw the people move in fast pace while their veins were popping out to him. He refuses to come to peace with the fact he is a vampire now... A monster. Somewhere in the back of his mind he is happy he isn't the only one. He has his hyungs with him. He looks pretty lost and the shadows are moving and dancing on the wall around him. Suddenly one shadow jumps out and standing in front of him is Suga. He grabs JK and holds him in his arms. JK can smell Suga's scent and breaks out in tears. "Hyung..." And his voice breaks. Suga tries to calm him down by softly petting through his hair. "Did you bite someone already?" He asks. JK shakes his head. "But I want to..." He whispers. Suga understands. A newborn's first feed is the most desired one. "Let's do this together, so you can think more straight, okay? Trust your hyung..." Suga holds his hand while he starts to teach the younger one everything.

After they've fed, they are sitting on a bench in the dark side of park. Suga is just keeping quiet so that JK can talk what is on his mind, but JK is just staring in front of him, empty. "I heard from RM that you didn't chose for this..." JK is still quiet but bites his lip. Suga's lips curl up in a ironic smirk. "I didn't either..." He sighs and starts his story.

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