33. With the Help of My Son

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Namjoon's 1st Person POV

We had a few more days left here in the East Coast, and today is my free day to spend with my family. And, luckily with Sooyoung being in her fourth year of med school and clinical rotations, her schedule is a tiny bit flexible. She at least is able to have the morning free, which is sufficient enough for what Moonsik and I have planned.

Yes, Moonsik and I have grand plans that Sooyoung is not aware of.

It's currently 7am in the morning. I had stayed over at Sooyoung's place. But, at the moment, I'm carrying a half-awake Moonsik down to the private garage, and we are heading to the hotel the company has made reservations for us while the group and I are here for the tour.

At the hotel, I have suits ready for Moonsik and I to put on and we will be heading to the Empire State Building.

Why am I going to the Empire State Building, dressed up, with my son?

Well, the Empire State Building is a major part of one of Sooyoung's all-time favorite movies, 'Sleepless In Seattle.' It's one of those movies she likes to put on back when she couldn't fall asleep. And, the part at the end with the Empire State Building always makes her emotional. I am planning on asking Sooyoung an important question there, with the help of Moonsik.

Inna and Lucy are ready for when Sooyoung wakes up to inform her that I took Moonsik for breakfast at the hotel and that I've requested for them to take her somewhere special. I know Sooyoung will bug them for the location but I begged Inna and Lucy not to cave in and reveal the location until they arrive.

I also gave Inna and Lucy clear instructions to make sure Sooyoung wears something dressy-casual. Knowing Sooyoung, she'll show up in a dress since she loves wearing them.

I really hope my plans work out smoothly.


Sooyoung's 1st Person POV

My alarm goes off and I wake up with the other side of the bed empty. I assume Namjoon woke up earlier and is already probably up to his father-son shenanigans with Moonsik, which I'm more than happy if that's the case.

I'm seriously so grateful for the bond that those two special people in my life have build together.

I get out of bed and head to the dining room to see if that's where my boys are, but I'm only met with Inna and Lucy with a delicious spread of breakfast food.

"Soo! Namjoon and Moonsik went to the hotel to have breakfast with the other members. But, Namjoon wants us to meet him and Moonsik at a certain location. So, come sit down and eat so we can get going!" Lucy informs me.

"Where are we going?" I ask her as I look between her and Inna.

"I'm afraid we are not at liberty to say, but all you need to know is to dress up in something dressy or dressy-casual." Lucy says, being very cryptic.

"Suspicious," I say to the two women, quirking a brow at them both.

"Oh, just sit down and eat. We have a schedule here! Namjoon is just trying to make the best of the time he has with you and Moonsik." Inna tries to simply say while smiling at me. So, I smile back, comply, and sit down to eat the delicious spread of food.

After breakfast, I get dressed in something dressy-casual, as advised and we hit the road to the secret destination. As I sit in Inna's vehicle, I'm in the back seat, trying to come up with possible locations where I'd be meeting Namjoon and our son.

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