23. Committed

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Bang bang bang

I hear someone lightly banging on my studio door and turn to see someone's figure pressed against the frosted glass door, wiggling like a worm. I chuckle to myself.

"Jimin, it's unlocked," I say out loud for him to hear, signaling for him to come in.

The door opens and Jimin waltzes in and walks up to my workspace and bends down to observe what I'm working on.

"How's your day, going, Hyung?" Jimin questions me as he turns to plop onto my couch across the studio from where my recording equipment is.

"I'm actually getting a lot accomplished with this song I'm working on. Where did you come from just now?" I turn my seat to face him, allowing myself to take a break from the music.

"Decided to go workout with Jungkook for a bit. Thinking of doing a VLive soon. You should come join."

"I'll try, I've just been on a roll with what I have. I might get caught up in all the mixing that I might possibly miss it," I say as I rest my head back on my chair.

"I totally get it. So, anyway, have you been able to communicate regularly with Sooyoung and Moonsik?" Jimin asks me as he stretches out more comfortably on the couch.

"Yeah, so far, thankfully. I was able to call this morning during his bedtime since it was around 7:30pm in New York when I called. I was able to read him a bedtime story. I kind of went crazy and ordered a bunch of books for those calls."

"Hyung, I think it's awesome your embracing all the time you're able to have with Moonsik."

"I just missed so much time that I want to give as much as I can of myself for him now that he's in my life. I hate that we are in different countries but I just have to make it work." I look up at the ceiling thinking about my family in New York, missing them tremendously.

"Hey, you putting all this effort is definitely not going unnoticed by Sooyoung. And, I'm sure
Moonsik loves that you call for his bedtime stories. You're doing what you can. I'm proud of you, Hyung." I look at Jimin after he made his statement and he flashes a genuine smile at me, which I can't help but return.

"Thanks, Chim. That means a lot to hear. Anyway, enough about me. What's going on with you and Serim?"


Ring Ring Ring

I hear my phone start to go off. I pick it up from my desk and see Bora's name on the screen.

"It's Bora," I sigh and inform Jimin.

"I'll leave to give you privacy. We'll talk more later. I'll see you at dance practice later if not the VLive, Hyung."

"Sounds good," I reply, nodding at him as he walks out of the room. As soon as I'm alone in the studio, I answer the call.

"Hello, Bora?"

"Hi, Namjoon. I'm glad I can finally catch you."

"I know. It's been hectic since I've made it back from the States on Monday. How have you been?"

"I've been busy as well with my group, working on new music and learning new choreography. You know how it is."

"I sure do. Anyway, now that we're able to talk, how are you feeling about us not seeing each other again the way we have been? Like, basically putting an end to the arrangement we've had?"

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