13. Shop 'Til We Drop

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Sooyoung's 1st Person POV

"I'm so ready for some shopping!" Kyungmin squeals, as we head to the parking structure connected to my apartment building.

It's about 11am, on a Sunday. Kyungmin and I thought it would be a great time for us to catch up and have a bit of a girls' day. I gave Namjoon the opportunity to have one-on-one time with Moonsik. The nanny, Maria, will be present, in case he needs her for any assistance, as well as his own manager, Sejin, being there. I have no qualms of leaving him to his own devices to spend time with our son. After yesterday's first meeting and excursion at the Lego Discovery Center, I feel like the two of them have started building a bond. I know he was nervous before Kyungmin and I left them, but I know he'll be great around Moonsik, more so on his own, without me there for a few hours.

"Wow, we haven't gone shopping together in years!" I excitedly tell Kyungmin as we both get into the SUV. We decide to sit in the very back so Sejin can't hear too much of our 'girl talk.'

"I know, right?! It's like the good old days! I remember us going shopping to destress from school, back then!" Kyungmin says in a lively tone.

"Right?! So where do you want to go?" I ask her. If I remember correctly, Kyungmin likes to plan ahead and I'm sure she already has ideas of where she wants to shop.

"I actually told Chulsan to take us to Madison Avenue! Namjoon gave me access to his card and shopping is on him," Kyungmin reveals to me, following it with a wink.

"What the hell?! Namjoon is doing way too much!" I honestly say to her.

"He insisted! I even asked him why, and he said we both deserve to treat ourselves, on him. Let's not fight him on that, okay, Soo?!" Kyungmin says to me in a playful voice, to which I react with a chuckle.

"I guess if the man insists! Especially if I find some clothes for Moonsik, I might not be able to resist. But, I just feel like I shouldn't spend Namjoon's money... it's weird," I think out loud.

"Why? You've raised his son well for five years! You deserve a pair of Jimmy Choos or a Chanel bag! Hell, why not both, Soo?!" Kyungmin wiggles her eye brows. She causes me to giggle yet again.

"I forgot how crazy you are! I missed you, Kyungmin!" I say as I playfully punch her arm from making me giggle more.

"I missed you, too, girl!" She beams at me then looks ahead. She points forward as if on a mission, and raises her voice, excitedly, "Chulsan, first stop, Fendi, please!"

"On it!" Chulsan replies, enthusiastically, and drives off to the requested destination.

Kyungmin turns back to me, speaking in a lower volume, "Sooyoung, I know that you and Namjoon haven't spoken in five years, but he never lost respect for you. When you two ended your relationship, there wasn't any bad blood. You both thought it would be best for both your future careers. But, had he known about Moonsik, he would've stuck around, Soo."

"I know he would have. I regret not being able to tell him. I was just terrified for myself but also for possibly causing him not to focus on his dream. I didn't want to take that away from him," I tell her, with slight guilt in my voice.

"I know you didn't. I'm not telling you all of this to make you feel guilty. You did what you thought was right, at the time. I'm telling you this because I was there for my brother after you two broke up. Namjoon was heartbroken. He didn't end things because he stopped loving you...just know that, okay?"

"Um, okay." Hearing that tugged at my heart, all of a sudden. I continue, "Honestly? I still have a big place in my heart for him. And, it's crazy to say, but seeing him putting all this effort to be a part of Moonsik's life, like genuinely wanting to be present now, reminds me of the Namjoon I was in love with. I thought he would harbor all this anger and resent me for not trying harder to contact him about our son."

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