6. Life-Altering Confirmation

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"NAMJOON!" I hear Jin yell my name as he lets himself into my hotel room.

I left the door unlocked for him since I texted him to come over. I told him Kyungmin texted me saying she wanted to video chat with me because Sooyoung actually replied to Kyungmin's message. I wanted Jin there with me for mental support. I wanted Yoongi to join us, but he had a date with Melina and I know it's important to him, since we are leaving California in a couple days.

"Did Kyungmin say anything else other than Sooyoung replying to her?" Jin asks me as he grabs a chair and sits right next to me.

"Not really. She said she would rather discuss it  all on video chat. Are you ready, Hyung?" I move the laptop in between us.

Jin nods giving me the go ahead and I proceed to call Kyungmin. After a few seconds, Kyungmin picks up the call.

"Hi, Namjoon-oppa! Oh, hi, Jin-oppa! I didn't know you would be in on the call!"

"Hi, Kyungmin! Thought I'd say hi! Plus, Namjoon wanted me to be in on the call"

"Hi, Kyungmin! It 's about 2:30pm there, right?"

"Yes, it is. I know it's late there in California."

"It's 10:30pm. It's not too late. Anyway, you said you had an update?"

"Yes, I do! Sooyoung responded to my simple message asking how she's doing and she said she was doing well and basically asked me how I've been doing and what I have been up to these days. I sent her a message shortly after I received hers, briefly filling her in on my life, then I asked her what she's up to and where she resides now."


"When we were messaging back and forth, she shared more than I expected. She mentioned how she ended up withdrawing from Stanford and moved to New York to live with her sister since she had to take a necessary break from school."

"Necessary break?"

"Yes. At first, she only alluded to the fact that something major happened where she couldn't put her all into med school. But, a couple years after she withdrew from Stanford, she applied to the medical school at Columbia University. She has a couple more years of med school left and plans on doing her residency right after."

"Well, that's good she still continued medical school and is doing exactly what she dreamt of. Did she explain why she didn't continue school at Stanford?"

"Um, yes. It's because a month after she moved to California, she found out she was pregnant. I was straightforward and asked her if she was with the father still and she said she wasn't."


"Um...at that point, she had asked to call me so I told her she could and it was an emotional call, to be honest."

"Would she even be okay with you telling me about the conversation you had with her?"

"At the end of our call, she made it a point to say that I could make you aware that she and I spoke and that if I wanted to inform you of anything we discussed on the phone, I'm free to do so. But, Namjoon-oppa, what I'm going to tell you is a lot."

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