3. Helpful Discussion

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"Yoongi-hyung, can you come outside with me to talk about something?" I ask the man sitting on the ground drinking out of his water bottle. It's a little past 1pm and we are all taking a break from dance practice. Jin and Jimin already left with a manager to bring us back some food.

"Yes, let's go out back where there's no one at the moment. Are you okay?" He's speaking while the two of us make it to the side door of the practice space our company rented out for us.

"I'm not sure. I've talked a little bit about it to Jin last night, but I need your perspective on something. And, I can only really come to the two of you right now," I explain to the older member.

"Well, I'm here to listen, man. So, start when you're ready," he tells me, reassuringly.

"Okay. Yoongi-hyung, I'm going to show you a couple photos," I tell him as I scroll through my phone to find the pictures I want to show him.

"Uh, okay," Yoongi replies to me. He's looking at me like he's not sure what to expect.

I hand Yoongi my phone with one of the photos pulled up. I told him to scroll through to see the couple other ones that I saved when Jin and I snooped through Sooyoung's social media profile.

"You're showing me photos of a kid. What are these? Is this you? Are these photos of you as a child I've never seen before? Wait, these look too recent," Yoongi looks at me confused as he speaks.

"Yoongi-hyung, you think that child looks like me?" I crease my forehead and stare back at my bandmate.

"Kind of, I don't know. Is he a relative? Why are you showing me these, Namjoon?" He lifts an eyebrow at me.

"Yoongi, I..."

"Namjoon, what's going on with you?! Why are you at a loss for words right now?"

After a moment of me gathering myself mentally, I proceed to explain to him the phone conversation I had with Kyungmin last night. I also told him how Jin came by and looked through Sooyoung's social media for me after I got off the phone with my sister.

"Holy shit!" Yoongi whisper-yells, then speaks in his usual deep tone, "We need to look into this. We can't make assumptions, but with this child's age, he could be yours... shit that sounds so weird to say out loud!"

"You're fucking telling me, Hyung! I don't know how to even go about this. What if I reach out to Sooyoung and she doesn't want to speak to me?"

"Well, you won't know if you don't try," he reckons.

"What do you think our company will say? What do you think Bang PD-nim would say?!" All these questions start flooding in my head.

"I honestly don't know. They're supportive of members being in relationships if it's kept away from the public..." Yoongi trails off.

"So, if this child is my son, I have to keep him a secret?" What a preposterous thought. But, at the same time, I couldn't imagine what would happen and how the public would take to the news. A lot of the fans would most likely not take kindly to the news.

"Hey, I don't know, Namjoon! I was just thinking out loud," Yoongi nervously utters out.

"Should I approach Sejin-nim first before telling Bang PD-nim?" I ask Yoongi, knowing I'd get some sound advice from him about approaching the heads of our company.

"If I were you, I would definitely go to Sejin-nim first, and he'll advise you on what to do next," Yoongi suggests to me.

"Um, okay," I anxiously answer.

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