29. T-Ball & Camping Dad

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"YOU CAN DO IT, MASON!!!" Sooyoung screams out as motivation to our son from the bleachers we are sitting on, along with Inna and one of the BigHit staff security.

Moonsik hits the ball with his bat off the T-stand and starts running to first base.

"RUN, KIDDO!" Inna cheers out.

I would be yelling for my son and cheering him on but before we left the apartment, Sooyoung and I had warned Moonsik that I had to keep a low profile and not make too much noise in case fans can recognize my voice.

As I sit here, I have a bucket hat with a big brim to help conceal a good amount of my face and a pair of sunglasses on. Luckily I look like most people in the crowd because everyone is wearing similar hats or baseball caps and sunglasses to shield themselves from the sun. 

It was a great feeling to sit in the stands and watch my own son be part of a T-ball team. I wish I could be one of those parents who could volunteer to help the kids on the field, but maybe when he's older and I hopefully have more freedom, I can coach him during his future sports endeavors, if he chooses to do more sports.

T-ball is obviously nothing serious in terms of competition, but it promotes team work as well as cooperating with other children. Sooyoung said she was all for him joining T-ball since she felt it could help his self-esteem and confidence and get used to being in a sport in a less-stressful manner. Also, it's a fantastic way for him to get physical exercise.

After proudly watching my son enjoying himself on the baseball field and taking a ton of videos and photos so I can show them off to the members later, the game wraps up. And, though there is no real winners since they don't keep score- the parents of Moonsik's team always get the kids together to celebrate at a restaurant for lunch.

Unfortunately, Sooyoung and I need to have another difficult conversation letting Moonsik know that I couldn't join him and his mom for the celebratory lunch.

"Appa, why can't you come out to lunch with Eomma and I and my team?!" Moonsik looks at me with a frown that makes me feel like such a disappointment.

"Moonsik, unfortunately, you will all be going to an open and public place. Unlike the baseball field, which is more private and has less people, I might be easily spotted by news people and fans at the restaurant, and I don't want the fans to ruin your team's celebration," I try to explain to him as simply as possible, but I'm not sure if he really comprehends the situation at his age.

"Why would your fans ruin our celebration?" Moonsik innocently asks.

"Your dad is really famous so he can have lots of fans show up and it could be dangerous having so many people in one area like that. It's safer for your dad to be in more private places," Sooyoung calmly tells our son.

"But, if you could come with us, you would, right, Appa?" Moonsik looks at me with doe eyes that he definitely got from his mother.

"Oh, kid, I would be there in a heartbeat! But, all the decisions I make isn't because I don't want to be there, okay?! It's more for our family's safety. When you're older, you'll understand more. But, just know that I would be there if I could," I say, attempting to give my boy a comforting smile.

"I guess," he says, dejectedly while looking down at the ground.

I kneel down to be at his level and place my hands gently on his shoulder.

"Moonsik, when you and Mommy are done celebrating with your team, I will be home and I'll have a big surprise waiting for you, okay?!" I tell him. Moonsik quickly looks up, his face brightening up.

"REALLY?!" He squeals out. Both Sooyoung and I couldn't help but lightly giggle at how cute our son's reaction is.

"Yes, really! So, you and Mommy go and have fun at the restaurant and I'll meet you two back home. Sound good, Buddy?!"

"Totally!" My son says with as much joy as he possibly could muster.

Knowing about this hitch in the plans, I had made plans even before I arrived to New York. I had ordered some camping equipment and had it shipped over to Sooyoung's place. She thought it was an over the top idea but thought that since Moonsik has mentioned how he always wanted to go camping, I thought I would bring it to the apartment. I know it's not quite the real deal, but I thought it would be a fun surprise for him.

Chulsan had stayed behind at Sooyoung's apartment while we were all at the T-ball game. Lucy was  also home to help Chulsan start setting up for the camp fun I had planned for my son.

As soon as the game was over and I saw Sooyoung and Moonsik off to take a separate vehicle for lunch, I rushed back to the apartment to help Chulsan and Lucy with whatever else they haven't gotten to!


"We're home!" Moonsik screams as he and his mom enter the apartment.

They made it home a couple hours after I arrived at the apartment since they ended up going to a restaurant that's also a kid zone, where there's a full-on jungle gym and arcade games all around.

As soon as Moonsik was done taking off
his shoes, he runs to the living room and his jaw drops at the sight before him.

We had moved a lot of furniture aside to build a small tent for Moonsik to sleep in, with a sleeping bag inside. The plan was for me to sleep on the couch to keep him company for the night, well at least until he falls asleep.

There was a picnic blanket set up with a fake cardboard fire next to it and a picnic basket filled with his favorite snacks. I placed stacks of games we could play together as a family and even had some movies set aside if he wanted to watch a movie together. I also bought a special s'more maker and placed it next to the fake fire.

"Are we camping in the house?" Moonsik looks up at me with excited eyes.

"Yes, kid! Someday I'll take you out for a real camping trip when I have more time in my schedule, but I thought we could have our own camp fun here." I ruffle my son's hair as he continues to look up at me.

"This is awesome!" He yells out, joyfully.

"Oh, and we will also have a Korean bbq feast in the dining room for dinner since you've been asking for that," I add on.

"YAY!" Moonsik jumps up and down in place which kind of reminds me of myself when I get excited. I guess, like father, like son.

The night ended up being such a hit. And, just like at the T-ball game, I took so many videos and photos because I wanted to capture the happiness my son was radiating while spending time with me. I know he makes me happy.



Here is some of the items that were part of the camp fun Namjoon had planned for Moonsik!

Here is some of the items that were part of the camp fun Namjoon had planned for Moonsik!

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Also, Mommy and Daddy time, next chapter! 😉

🎵Song to check out: "Sunflower" by Post Malone, Swae Lee


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