Chapter 9

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(Solargem's POV)

Apparently, I ended up back in the Well of Allsparks and Elita was there to greet me.

"Hi carrier!" I smiled.

Well I was recharging, I couldn't possibly be dead.

"Hello Gem." She smiled a little before giving me a serious look. "I have to relay an important message to you and help me relay it to Optimus as well. Jazz and Ironhide are missing. They disappeared all of a sudden. There was a sudden purple glow around them before they disappeared. We suspect it was dark energon."

"Got it, tell sire about the disappearance of Jazz and Ironhide. Suspected cause- dark energon." I summarized.

"Thank you Solargem, and do be cautious. Megatron is a little unpredictable." She advised.

I nodded and smiled. Everything started to fade into oblivion. Visit's over.

"Bye carrier!"


"Loser has to do whatever the other tells to do, no inappropriate instructions of course." Rooke challenged.

"You're on!" I accepted.

"Congrats dude. You just signed your death wish, or whatever that human expression is. You have no idea how she trained." Smoke commented.

We were at a shooting range, air rifle shooting range specifically.

"Speed and accuracy. 10 targets from the same position." Rooke specified.

"You my friend, are in deep slag."

"Agreed." Ben said and took a sip of his smoothie.

"She could have been lucky during the paintball match." Rooke stated.

I stepped into position, holding my air rifle. I readied myself and waited for Gwen's signal. In the meantime, I looked at all the targets I had to hit.

"Ready? Go!"

I made 10 continuous shots, taking a second after each shot to aim. I put the gun down after that.

I heard Ben spraying his smoothie out of his mouth.

"That's, like, a second a shot! How's that even possible? Rooke is the best at shooting, compared to everyone I know. And he's only done 4 shots! What's crazier is that all of your shots are right smack in the middle." Ben exclaimed.

I turned to look at Rooke. His mouth hung open.

"See, I told you." Smoke told him.

"Close your mouth. It's no big really. I didn't plan on asking you to do anything anyway." I was a little concerned for him. He seemed a little downcast. This was supposed to be fun, not upsetting.

"Sean said something about how you trained, I'm curious. How did you train?" Ben asked. "Especially the way you shoot."

"You wouldn't believe how I was forced to train so I'll give you tips. Know where your targets are, and estimate where and when to shoot while your arm is shifting the weapon."

"Forced to train?" Gwen asked.

I just shrugged. "It's nothing, really. I was just raised a different way, that's all."



We looked up. Cons, again. But they weren't just any con, they were those zombie cons. I did tell Optimus about them before. He didn't really say anything about it.

Story of a Sparkling-Transformers fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon