Chapter 4

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(Layla's POV)

When I woke up, it was already the next Earth day. When I left the room for the main area, Optimus was there. Ratchet was speaking to him, probably about yesterday.

He turned to me as I walked in. He noticed my presence even if I was really quiet.

"Solargem, I have been told..."

"Apologies, however, I will not speak of the incident from the previous day." I cut him off, knowing what he wanted to know.

"You speak so formally when apologizing, why is that so?" Optimus asked.

"A..." I stopped myself. "I do not know." I replied. Actually, I did know, sorta. Back when I was in the Nemesis, the cons' warship, I always apologized that way. It became a habit.

"It could just be a habit, but she came in a long-distance stasis pod and it had travelled for years. It doesn't make sense if she picked it up." Ratchet analysed.

"Ratchet, we will figure this out."


I was in the training room again, picking up Megatron's com.

:You have till sundown to give me my information.: He told me.

:I'm not giving it to you. I'm insignificant, you shouldn't care. And I have made my choice of joining the Autobots.: I decided to tell him. I wasn't exactly sure if that was the right choice but there was no turning back.

:You will regret that you insolent femme. Do you not think I have placed measures if you were to disobey?: My optics widened at that. I have never known about that piece of information. Though he could have been lying, to me, as usual.


:You will either do it willingly or I will take control, and you will be just a drone.:

Should I believe his words? I cut the line.


I walked into the main area. As soon as I did, Arcee's weapons were aimed at me. Why would she do that? I looked up at everyone. Arcee's optics were full of hate, Optimus' and Smoke's of disappointment and the rest were just looking at me like I shouldn't be here or something.

I kinda knew what was going on after a second or so. Megatron had told them.

I looked down. If they could think through things thoroughly, there could have been a chance they knew I wasn't a con, at least, not anymore.

"I will accept whatever punishment you give me." I couldn't be bothered. I wasn't going to fight them to make them my enemies, though I think some of them already see me as one.

"Leave the Autobots and never return." Optimus said to me without any hesitation, though his optics dimmed a little, showing me his disappointment and other emotions. He was spark broken that his sparkling would do that to him.

"Sure, I'll leave. Just a question. Was I ever significant before you found out?" I asked, turning away and leaving.


(Smokescreen's POV)

She was nice and was fun to hang out with. She couldn't possibly a con, she's just a sparkling. Though, the cons could be sneaky.

Even so, she asked if she was ever significant to us. Why would she be asking that?

She accepted whatever punishment so willingly. Something was definitely up.

Hmm, let me see. If she was a con, she would have to have to communicate with the cons. Like Megatron said, he wanted her back because she was a con.

Story of a Sparkling-Transformers fanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ