Chapter 5

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(Solargem's POV)

I found myself back on Cybertron, though it looked a little different. It was brighter and more lively with many bots around. The bots here didn't have any insignias. Where on Cybertron was I?

It was weird, Cybertron's gone dark. It shouldn't look like this, unless...I'm in the Well of Allsparks! Huh, I'm dead.

"Why would a sparkling arrive at this point of time?" A bot was looking at me. That bot had a navy blue paint job.

"Hey lil' sparkling, where are you from? Are you lost?" A silver mech asked. He had a visor and looked really cool.

"Am I in the Well of Allsparks?" I asked just for confirmation.

"Yep, where we are all equal, no hate, no war." The blue bot replied.

"Name's Jazz. I was Optimus' 1st lieutenant. He's Nightsky." The silver bot introduced, gesturing to the blue bot when mentioning his designation.

"Designation Solaregem." I tilted my helm and smiled.

"You're cute. So Gem, how'd you get here?" Nightsky asked.

"Does Optimus know?" Jazz asked me.

Nightsky looked confused. "Why would you ask her that?"

"I took a shot from a con for my guardian, Smokescreen. He came after me when I was forced to leave." I answered Sky's first question.

"Let me guess, long story?" Jazz asked.

I nodded in confirmation.

"Well we have time. Why don't we get some place to sit?" Sky suggested.

"Actually, she has to get going." A feminine voice said.

The mechs turned around to see a pink femme.

"How's it going guys?" She greeted in a cheery tone.

"Hey Elita." Sky greeted while Jazz nodded.

"Hello Solargem. It's nice to see you." Elita greeted me with a smile.


"She's your carrier." Jazz informed.

"Really? To tell you the truth, I have never thought about my parental units. Megatron..."

"Raised you, I know. I know everything that has happened, you do not need to explain. I am proud of your actions youngling. You will have to go soon. Optimus and Smokescreen are worried for you." She said.

"It's probably been some time in your world. It's practically timeless here." Sky told me.

"I...This...well, it's a little overwhelming." I admitted. Come on, I'm just past my first upgrade, even if I'm wiser than I'm supposed to be.

"No worries. You can take your time to think about all this when you are back in your world. It's not your time yet." Elita told me.

"Thank you carrier."

She smiled. "Remember, don't let others get you down. You are strong, even if you're just a sparkling. Oh, and tell Optimus I said hi."

"Same here." Jazz agreed.

"Ditto." Sky said.

They all waved as my surroundings started to change into a dark void.

A bright light shone and I followed it.

I found myself onlining my optics. There wasn't anyone around. No one at all.

I sat up and took a look around. I was in some sort of infirmary, probably the bots' medbay. My abdomen hurt. Then I remembered I was shot. I winced at the pain. I tried to ignore it as I got out of the berth, heading towards the main area.

Story of a Sparkling-Transformers fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora