Tej nods. "Very impressive. Just one thing." He motioned to Dom and Letty. "They're not married."

Letty looked to Dom and Eleanor's eyes darted between her brother and Letty. Only her and Mia knew about that night in the Dominican Republic before Letty lost her memories. The night the two had gotten married.

"She's so off, it's crazy." Roman commented. "You just gonna roll with it? You telling me there can't be a double alpha in one group?"

Ramsey turned to Dom. "You work for US government?" She asked which caused Letty and Eleanor to laugh.

Dom shared a look with Brian. "We got similar interests. Tej, call it in. We're going to the Middle East."

Eleanor was pressed into Letty's side, her arms wrapped around her as she slept. Letty had her eyes closed as she rested her head back against the seats while her fingers ran through Eleanor's hair. Dom walked up to the two and placed his jacket over them, smiling down at his sister's sleeping figure.

"Hey." Brian whispered as he walked up to Dom before the two moved to the side of the plane so they wouldn't wake the two up. "Hey, Dom, it was pretty wild on that mountain, huh?"

Dom looked at him. "Nah, it was too close. But we got the job done."

Brian laughed. "You know what the crazy thing is, is..."

Dom chuckled as he recalled what Eleanor had told him. "You miss the bullets."

Brian chuckled along with him. "Yeah, that's messed up, huh?"

Letty's eyes flickered open as she heard them talking, glancing down at Eleanor's still sleeping figure that was curled into her. "Brian, I've seen you jump from trains, dive from planes. Hell, I saw your courage the day I met you. Wanna know the bravest thing I ever saw you do? Be a good man to Ellie. Being a great father to my nephew Jack. Everyone's looking for the thrill, but what's real is family. Your family. Hold on to that, Brian."


abu dhabi, united arab emirates

"You know, it's hotter than I thought it would be." Roman commented.

Tej glanced to him "Yeah, well, we are in the desert, so it would be hot."

"Oh, no, I ain't talking about the weather." Roman said as he and Tej watched as Ramsey walked out of the ocean.

Tej nodded to himself. "Now that is a woman that's worth falling out a plane for."

"Get out of there, man." Roman told him. "I got dibs on that. You see me looking at that."

Eleanor furrowed her eyebrows from her place seated on Brian's lap. "Did you just say dibs?" She questioned. "What
are you, in the fourth grade?"

Letty walked up behind Tej and Roman's chairs as Roman looked to Tej. "Man, can you just get out of there?"

"Man, it's a free market." Tej argued.

"What are you talking about?" Roman questioned. "Get out of there."

Tej looked at him seriously. "Free. Rock, paper, scissors for it."

Letty leaned her arms on the back of their chairs as they started a game of rock, paper, scissors and she gave them a look. "Are you guys for real right now? Look at you. You both look whupped already. You got stalker eyes."

Eleanor laughed at the two as she felt Brian adjust her bikini top that had kept coming loose ever since she got out of the car. She turned her head to the side and pressed her lips against his a couple of times. "Thank you, baby." She whispered as he rubbed her hips.

"I tried to call dibs on Ramsey two years ago." A man walked over to them. "Her knee, my balls - trust me, you don't wanna do that." Letty looked over to Eleanor, the two sharing a look wondering who he was. "Hey! Ramsey!" He called as the British woman walked over to them.

Ramsey put her shirt back on as she walked up the few steps. "Hello, Safar." She greeted him with a hug.

"I see you've made some new friends." Safar said.

Ramsey glanced behind her at them. "Yeah, some short tempered new friends." She warned him. "I need the speed drive I sent you. Where is it?"

Safar took off his sunglasses as he nodded. "Oh, good. You will be pleased to know I sold it."

"You sold it?" Ramsey repeated as Safar clicked his tongue.

Eleanor looked over to her brother. "You hear that?"

"I asked you to take care of it." Ramsey snapped. "Why on earth would you sell it?"

Dom walked over to them. "We're gonna need it back."

Safar looked to him as he shook his head. "Impossible."

"Safar, I - I stashed something inside it." Ramsey told him. "It's important."

Safar nodded. "Okay. Okay. Uh, good news. It is safe."

"And the bad news?" Ramsey asked.

"It is very safe." Safar said before leading them towards where they could see the three tallest buildings. "I sold it to a Jordanian prince living up there, a trust fund billionaire. Said he wanted to use it for his supercar."

Roman looked to Dom. "Now see, this? This I like. Billionaire, supercar..."

"What makes it so super?" Ramsey questioned.

Safar glanced back to her. "Two forty two mile per hour top speed." He chuckled. "And it's bulletproof."

"Two forty two." Roman mumbled. "Am I the only one aroused right now? I's like, you know what I'm saying. Whoo-hoo."

Eleanor gave him a look through her sunglasses. "Yes, Rome, you are."

"Where does he keep it?" Dom asked Safar.

Safar gestured to the towers. "In his penthouse. Tower number one."

"Now, why in the hell would he keep his car in his penthouse?" Tej asked.

Safar looked back at him. "He's a billionaire my friend. He can do whatever he wants. Now, tomorrow happens to be the longest day of the year. The prince wants to celebrate it, host a party tomorrow afternoon."

"So, you can get us up there, right?" Brian asked him.

Safar nodded. "Sure, but, uh... not dressed like that."

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