Of course most of them didn't have proper attire attend a fucking ball so Hanji made the guys wear these really fancy suits and the girls were dressed in pretty hand-me-down dresses.

That meant Eren had to wear one too since they still thought he was female which scared him. He was a dude so he was as flat as board. What if they made him wear a dress that was supposed to show cleavage? He could pull it off but oh wait he had no boobs. Sure there are girls who are flat chested but at least they had a little bump.

He was silently praying that they wouldn't give him a low cleavage dress and what was so attractive about boobs anyways? Boobs are just boobs.

He had to admit that girls like Annie and Christa did look absolutely stunning in their dresses though.

He was later given a dress and thank God it wasn't low on the chest area. It was long sleeved and reached his ankles. It had such a beautiful, golden, sparling design on the sleeves like feathers or flowers. The end were his feet and hands would be was made of delicate lace and it had a corset -like design on the back and front.

"Stop gawking at it and put it on already," Hanji snickered and shoved him playfully.

He did as he was told but it wasn't easy at all. It was a little heavy and he questioned himself why would girls wear things like this. In a way it felt like having another layer of skin yet it was comfortable at the same time.

He was the last to enter the ball room because of course castles are fucking huge and to make it worse it was Levi's so it was two times bigger than a regular castle. He pushed through the big, wooden doors to the ball room and immediately gasped. It was bigger than his own ball room.

There was a glistening, crystal chandelier high above the painted cieling. It was simply breath taking; the whole cieling was painted with pictures such as beautiful mermaids and horses. It hurt to crane his neck to look properly above but damn these were beautiful paintings. It was as if they were captured at the perfect moment and froze forever.

The floor was amazing too; it was painted with really intense swirl designs of golden looking paint that any artist would kill for. It looked as if it took forever to be painted.

"You're going to snap your neck if you keep looking around like that, Ho,"

Eren spun around gracefully to meet the frowning face of the king. It was odd seeing him in anything else but his army uniform. He was not wearing something the rest of the other boys were wearing but honestly it looked a lot better on Levi. The only thing different from the others is that he had the green cloak flung over his shoulder and a golden crown specked with jewels perched on his head. It surprised Eren how his gloves were different too; they were still white but they had flecks of gold near the wrist area.

It was completely decked out with rubies and emeralds and it kinda of hurt Eren's eyes to look at it. It looked a lot better than his own crown; his barely had any rubies or emeralds or jewels in general.

Eren's face started to heat up when he realized that Levi was staring at him up and down, studying the way he looked in a dress. Eren awkwardly shifted his feet as the king made a clicking sound with his tongue.

"You look great," he managed to say after a few moments of silence and smirked a little.

"Thanks, sir," Eren muttered as he looked down at his feet.

"Well it seems like you're the only antisocial one here and didn't get a dance partner. Seems like I'm stuck with you."


"Did I fucking stutter?"

"N-No it's just..." Eren trailed off and the red tint on his became more visible. "Why me? Why don't you ask Hanji or something? You're the king and I'm just....I'm just a soldier, you know? You're the superior one."

Freiheit | eren x levi जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें