(33). "...Your family is why you."

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Mason's POV

"Dad please let me out" I scream through the bars on the door. He caught me eating cookies with Lilith and Liyah, he said 'you can't be eating kids stuff like cookies, you are a Malcolm'. I know I'm a Malcolm but I'm also only 12 why can't I be like Liyah's brother he is 15 and he eats cookies.

I watch through the window him and Liyah playing in the flowers all the time at night when dad would ease up on training. I never saw Omar as less a man, he was even stronger than I was.

"Mommy?...Lily?.....anyone please?"

The lights flicker off as I am left in this box without a window and now in complete darkness.

"Please help" the tears well in my eyes as the screams of men being tortured are on the other side of this wall.

"Mase are you down here?" I hear my little sister and Liyah call out. Opening the upstairs door letting the light shine through.

"Down here...I'm down here"

"We are coming" their little feet stomp as they near the door.

"What are you doing down here?"

My dad speaks from the top of the stairs.

"Liyah said brother wanted help...so..we came to help...that's what superheroes do dad" I watch through the bars on the door as my dad lifts Liyah's whole body from the floor.

"Dad no!..she didn't mean to please!.." I plead to him.

He reaches for the knife in his waist as he stares it deep into her back letting her blood spray all over Lilith's face, he simply drops her on the floor and as he leaves, "Next time you will learn not to let the weak help you, you should be strong enough not to need help" and just like that he drops the bloody knife and closes the door.

I couldn't help...I had no power...

"Lilith I know this is a little scary but I need you to get Omar please..can you do that as quick as you can for me?"

She nods her head and runs up the stairs.

Not long after a very terrified Omar descends the stairs and golds his little sister's bleeding body in his hands.

"I'm sorry....she was just trying to help me...I'm so sorry"

"I know...I'm angry but not at you Mase. Just take my sister to the hospital please, when you get upstairs wrap her on a large sheet and apply pressure" he opens the cell and places Liyah in my arms wrapping her in his t-shirt, placing a small kiss on her temple, and ascending the stairs.

I race through the mansion searching for one of the keys to one of mom's cars. Settling for the Audi I lay her body now wrapped in sheets. I know pressure has to be placed on the wound...she can't die.....Liyah can't die...

I wipe my stray tears as I instruct Lilly to hold the sheet tight around the wound as I place books in the driver's side to increase my height.

After nearly crashing we finally reach the hospital and pass Liyah off to the nurses...they looked at me weird but it didn't matter..as long as Liyah was alive.


Day 1

My eyes jolt open to see white walls surrounding me, my hands and feet chained up like a dog.

Why am I suddenly remembering the past? It was so long ago...after I waited at the hospital for Omar to show, he never did....he just disappeared and stopped coming over and eventually went to military school. My brain might be in shock due to the injury causing this bleeding dripping from my head...but then again I might be hallucinating.

"Omar?" I blink my eyes to be sure it's real.

"Aren't you happy to see me Mase" He runs his hands through the curls in his hair.

"I can understand why Rose is doing this but, why are you?" I was always nice to him when he came to the house with Liyah. He never really liked me following him around because he would get in trouble with my dad but he always said he didn't mind.....I don't get why he would want to kidnap me.

"Why you?...are you fucking kidding me, Mase. Your family is why you."

I treated him with so much kindness only to be repaid in this way...tied up in chains like a dog strung up exposed for me to look weak.

Even in his grave he still turns out to be right I release a burst of humorless laughter. Omar now looks at me with a questionable expression. "Yes I have grown to be cruel and I make no apologies, but fuck you and your vendetta against my father. You should be thankful that the fucker is dead and just live your life not many people can do that because of that man"

Lilith and I aren't the only children of my father..we had an older brother Axel Romain Malcolm.

He was 5 years older than me from one of my father's mistresses... my father preferred him over me until  Axel turned 16 and came out as being gay. After that, he treated him like how feet treated the dirt on the floor. He and Omar got along great so I thought we were friends.

That was a childish thing to think 'friendship' can stop a man from slashing your throat.

"I'm done talking to you, where is Ren?"

Renesme's POV

"Are you that sick that you need to see my body chained up, or are you the sadistic type sister" I bark at my reflection standing in front of me...

She has black eyes and I have grey ones.

"Why did she choose you?...tell me Renesme,  why didn't mom keep me?" She pleads, running her hand through her hair just like what I do when I'm frustrated.

"Are you seriously... doing this because of what our parents decided"

She sits before me with a blade in her hand as she takes out an apple and begins to slice the apple into slices eating them one by one.

"Ok you want to know my childhood..now that I have been thinking about it I do remember I had a sister when I was young. You were there  You were always there at our 8th birthday but you disappeared after that and I just didn't remember."

I never noticed that I had a sister...I have been going about my life not knowing that I had a twin sister.

A/N Friday update just like I promised🤞🏽💖.....to wrap up the book and explain our new arrivals there will be some flashbacks. Remember to vote❤ and comment ...we are almost at 3k🤭🍒

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