(35.) ⚠He was raping her

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Day 3

Rose's POV

"Make sure you keep tailing her, make sure she doesn't contact authorities or her brother and if she does just kidnap her and bring her here"I tell the guy I put in charge of the bronse in this operation.

"Now little sister, I think I've given you enough time to gather your memories."

"I remember now" she whispered with her head hung. Were the chains too much?

It doesn't matter...she's the enemy here not me. Not only was she the one chosen but..... She forgot about me.

Renesme's POV

"I remember we were getting ready in our matching outfits...I don't remember if we always did that but I think we did. We were in purple light-up sketchers with a rainbow shirt with a unicorn on it with white jeans. Yours said 'beat you by 8 minutes' and mine said 'I was slow by 8 minutes'. We were happy." I paused as blood sprung from my mouth...I can't believe I forgot. "Mom carried us downstairs, you were in her hand and I held the other and walked beside her. As we got to the living room, dad started singing the happy birthday song. We were smiling from ear to ear. Then as they were about to sing the 'happy birthday dear Rose and Re-. It just went blank" I only remember flashing in and out of consciousness.

"That was when you had your first seizure" we didn't know what had happened to her...she was fine one minute and then not the next. "You were in a coma for 2 months. Not only did I miss my sister but mom and dad did too. So after the first month of being at the hospital every day, dad started going to the bar and coming home drunk, mom....she started taking sleeping pills because when she was up all she did was cry until she passes out anyway...so he used to come into my room at night drunk...he would breathe down my neck. He said I looked just like mom... I prayed to God because before Grandma died she always said when in fear just pray and he will give you strength to carry on. Well, guess what...she lied...For a month dad raped me every night. I kept my mouth shut because it's not as bad as being in a coma I thought. When you woke up everyone was happy and excited....but when I held your hand needing my sister to be ok again...you started seizing again" She looked towards the ceiling. "I thought I made you sick...and so did mom and dad. They made me stop coming to the hospital altogether. When I heard that you were diagnosed with epilepsy...I was relieved that I didn't make you sick...after that, you were in the hospital for a year..they were finding the right medication to treat your type of seizures"

"I remember waking up in the hospital..but I never saw you. Only mom and dad" I was in and out but I'm sure I didn't see her around me any of the times

"They always left me in the waiting room until they had finished visiting you"

"So you're telling me you have me strung up for something I had no control over"

"Even at that moment you were still my best friend and I loved you...but the night before you got released from the hospital, I was 9 at the time... I was still only a kid and they sent me to boarding school. All they said was 'Ren is coming back home and we have to give her a lot of attention so they sent me away to a Catholic school... I had no problem with the school but when it came to weekends and dad would visit being me things for school. The only thing was that he would rape me every time before he went home." She stared at me for a while "But then I got my period at age 10 and with dad visiting me every weekend... I felt sick in the mornings and I started gaining weight. I told him that I didn't see my period for that month and he made me pee on a stick...then two lines showed up and the next thing I knew he stopped coming on weekends" I had no clue that he was raping her.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"I couldn't...he said no one would believe me and I believed him. When I started to show the nuns kicked me out saying it was a sin and that I was carrying satan's child. I didn't care about what happened to me all I wanted was to come to find you and I had planned for you, me, and the baby to run away together. When I got home he was the only one home and when he saw my stomach he kicked me. He punched my face so hard my skull cracked. Then I knew I couldn't let my baby due so I ran away. As I ran through the back door I saw you and mom driving in the yard...I was jealous of what you had. I left and had my son at a hospital. I had no home no one so I left him at an old lady's front door. I was only 11 and I was hungry so I went to mom and she denied knowing me....eventually I need up back to living with him. Then he got arrested and I was alone again."

"Rose when I was 10 dad best mom until she was unconscious and then he was asleep and I had to call the police. After they arrested him mom blamed me every day for the reason why he left...she would beat me every night...the only reason why I'm not still living with her is that she was killed one day when I got home...she was an abusive mother but she was the only parent I had. I apologize for all that happened to you but why be like them and do this to me?" I try to plead with her. After hearing what she went through...I can see how similar we are now.

"I need some time" and then she left

A/N Hope you enjoyed this chapter, remember to vote❤🍒

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