(32). Twinzies

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"The leader was spotted going into this restaurant half an hour ago alone. We need to act now before they get reinforcement" Mason's voice surges through a van filled with armed men and an armed woman Renesme.

They both share a glance before his eyes are averted by a loud explosion from outside. One of our decoy vans was blown up by a bomb.

She knew they were coming.

Mason seemed unaffected by this minor inconvenience.

"Change of plans everyone, they know we are here so this is no longer a silent killing." Loading up his MP5 as he checked how comfortable it was in his left hand. "They started this fucking blood bath now let's end it"

He was assured by Ren's yes as they locked eyes with each other. She knew that even in that very moment there was no room to question his judgment so she simply complied.

Putting an emergency pistol in the thigh holster, and putting her sword in its place as well. She held the pistol which she was supposed to go out there with, she hated the weight, the grooves but everyone knows to use guns at a gunfight. She loaded the clip and is out of the van alongside Mason and his men.

"Don't die princess" He whispers as gunshots spew in all directions.

Passing through the exterior of their defenses back to back firing bullet after bullet. Ren and Mase are counting their last three bullets, shooting men down as they surround the two fighters.

Eventually out of bullets with Castiõs surrounding them.

Renesme's POV

Drawing my sword I hand Mason a knife from my ankle.

"Slash as many throats, if we are going to be killed I won't be seen as weak by anyone" with his back against mine I can feel his rapid heart rate as it syncs with mine.

"Let's do it"

Smile plastered on my lips as my sword glides through their anatomy leaving body parts on the ground, heads, arms, torsos all scattered at my feet. When the men suddenly started backing away, focusing their attention towards laughter echoing from an ally.

A woman?

"Everyone stop, even you Mason Malcolm. You have something I want and now look at how many people you made me waste" She tries to emit a mourning sound, I say try because she sounded like a dog that had sand thrown  in its throat.

Her face is revealed under the street light.


"Yes my dear identical twin sister, mommy dearest never told you it seems." Laughter emits from her. "What is it sister, is your face that horrible to look at. Maybe that's why Jake never remembered you" Her laughter gets louder.

My actions aren't my own as I hear Jake's name, I charge at her and I'm quickly knocked in the head that brings my body on its knees at her feet." What the fuck does Jake have to do with it" a ping of pain soars through my face from the slap she slaps me with a knife.

She takes out an apple and begins to use the knife to slice the apple, the blood from the knife stains the slices. "Want a slice?"

"No, you‐"
My other cheek begins to bleed from the knife being slapped across my face once more." What wa-" my face dripping with blood, she looks at me grinning from ear to ear.

"Sister dearest learns quick, well just in case you didn't pick up on the point. You will not speak anything verbally to me, well unless you want your face to be all carved up" She pulls my hair so that my eyes are forced to look at her. "Back to what I was saying, Jake kept saying he didn't know you. Well, I know you know him and he knows you and you just confirmed that. Now there is no need for him since I have found you."

She looks like me, has the same voice like I do she even uses blades more just like I do. I haven't seen her draw for any gun just a knife. Her humor disgusts me.

"And you, Mason is it? I heard you fucked my sister" She looks up in his eyes with his hands restrained by another man behind him." or is it your sister who is fucking her? These days I don't know who she fucks. You really do get around Ren"

"Shut up Rose!"  Mason spouts earning him a slice to the jaw. So her name is Rose.

Her laughter erupts once more echoing through the  lot filled with armed men.

"I'm not always a cold-hearted bitch so I know this is overwhelming, you can ask a question if you wish. I will try not to slap you again"

She smiles as she cuts her apple slices.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because stupid sister I never grew up with a mommy who made me soft or a sister who made me care for something. So as far as I know you are the only possible weak point left alive in this world that might be used against me"

The hatred in her voice as she speaks. She doesn't know that our mom abused me?....She said I'm the only possible weakness, so she knows that mom is dead.

"It's funny, I was gonna use Mason here......to just kill you along with mom but I genuinely wanted to see you in person"

She was the one....she was the one who killed my mother.....my neck stings as my vision begins to blur.

"She......wa-" She was still our mother.

Her smiling face is all I could see before I lost consciousness.

A/N I like Rose very much, don't you?🤭🤭....anyways remember to vote and comment ❤

The gun type I named in this chapter....well I have no clue if it's real so let's just pretend it is💀😭

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