Chapter 18

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Hunter went towards the snack cupboard and grabbed the graham crackers, while Delia grabbed the milk from the fridge and the twins grabbed glasses. After everything was prepared they sat around the counter and ate.
Hunter what do you think about scars? Do they freak you out?
"I think scars are just another part of people I also think they can tell stories about the strength of the person. I wouldn't say they freak me out, but seeing people with them makes me curious and a little worried about what happened to them. Why?" Hunter answered after reading what Delia had written.
The twins and I have scars from our parents. And when Andrew saw mine he got freaked out. Delia's eyes stared at the graham cracker in her hand ignoring Hunter's curious gaze.
"He reacted like that most likely because he was worried about you. If it was me I wouldn't be able to stop from images of what you went through to get them from going through my head."
Most of them didn't hurt that bad. After all you can get used to anything. Delia seemed to realize her sharing was worrying her favorite older brother, yes favorite, and tried to explain that it wasn't that bad. But now the images that were passing through his head were even worse.
"Yeah, none of this," Artie gestured around the room and the food, "was normal for us but it's only been a week and we got used to it. The belt hurts really bad but Delia experienced it almost everyday, but always told us it barely hurt." Artie furrowed his brow his sister never lied to them, but he knew she wasn't as fine as she always appeared.
"Honestly, I can't believe I'm getting used to three full meals a day. It was special if we got two semi-full meals a day." Drew said conversationally.
I would have got you more, but Mrs. Frankie's chihuahua would wake up the neighborhood if I tried to get out of the house to buy snacks from the local gas station.
"Peachy was a feisty one always wanting to take a bite of us." Artie said with a smirk.
"But Mrs. Frankie always insisted that 'peachy wouldn't hurt a fly!'" Drew finished with an eye roll, his voice going high-pitched at the end to imitate their older neighbor. Artie couldn't help but burst into laughter, Drew's voice was spot on.
Peachy may not hurt a fly but it sure didn't feel the same way about us humans.
That comment sent the twins into a fit of laughter.
"Even if we did get past peachy mom and dad would figure it somehow. I swear mom had the noise of a police dog." Artie said his tone sobering slightly.
"Remember that one time we managed to pick the lock to the cupboards and ate a couple crackers when she got inside she took one sniff and proceeded to make us hurl all of it up." Drew said.
Her ruby red high heels helped Delia added.
Hunter observed from the side getting more and more confused his siblings could talk about bad things so easily and even be in the mood to laugh. He didn't know if he should be worried or relieved that they took their horrible childhood so lightly. Although he had a horrible feeling that those memories were some of the best they had.

What about you did you ever get in trouble for sneaking food?
Hunter nodded, "When I was younger I had an obsession with the candy Smarties. I had already had more than enough sugar that day, but I wasn't satisfied and decided to sneak some from the kitchen. Our dad has sharp ears and so he went to the kitchen to see what was happening. He found me kneeling in a small pile of candy and candy wrappers with Smarties dust on my fingers and nose. The first thing he did was snap a picture of me with my dumbfounded face and then lectured me for an hour before forbidding me to consume any candy for an entire month." Hunter pulled out his phone and pulled up the picture. A blonde haired chubby-checked Hunter sat as he described, his blue eyes dull with slight panic stared at the person behind the camera. His siblings sat back in their seats after they saw the image.
"I know we weren't treated right and our childhood wasn't normal, but I never realized how different everything could have been." Artie's eyes held jealousy.
It is because we had nothing to compare it to. When you don't know for sure things could be different it doesn't hurt as much.
The twins nodded in agreement.

A maid walked into the room and informed Hunter that the psychiatrist had arrived. The psychiatrist appointment lasted a long time event though today it was decided that the three should have the session together.
By the psychiatrist was done Andrew had left, the psychiatrist also called Gracen and Daniel to talk to them privately.

After a delicious lunch it was decided today would be a great day for the family to go out and walk along a nearby river with a trail and small playground. The kids, even Delia, rushed towards the playground as soon as they arrived.
"What did they doctors say?" Hunter asked he had noticed his older brothers' gloomy moods.
"All of them are malnourished which means their height and weight are low as well. They have been prescribed vitamins and supplements and we need to talk to all three of them about healthy eating, Delia especially." Daniel said
"The psychiatrist can't tell us a ton about what is going on with them right now since it has only been one session. But she has discovered some things that may help us as we raise them. For example she noticed that Delia is very protective of the twins and tends to downplay her own role and therefore her injuries. To the twins Delia is an authority figure and more of a mother than a sister. They all have a tendency to hide what they feel. I learned this often happens as the bodies response to certain situations. The mind will block out or even in some cases erase memories to protect the kid because they cannot deal with the situation. So far we haven't had any severe situations but as things start to surface we should be prepared from panic attacks, tantrums and refusal to communicate. The best thing to do is keep taking steps forward and be patient with them." Gracen finished after going on a short tangent. Hunter nodded an the continued to walk as they heard shrieks of laughter from the playground.

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