Chapter 39: Post Wedding Rituals

Começar do início

"Well, in that case I am clueless about what to give you guys, because your sister's worth cannot be measured in numbers." The sincerity in Jai's voice astound me and I look up to meet his warm grey eyes.

"Well, this sweetness of yours isn't gonna cut it for you. We need gifts and a lot of them at that." Anaya's voice break our trance.

"Well then here's my card, you can withdraw whatever you want and I'll even tell you the pin." He whispers something in Anaya's ears before moving back.

"Happy?" He questions.

"Yes." Saying this Anaya moves back taking Jai's shoes with her forgetting about giving them to him.

"Maira, my shoes?" He asks probably realising I have another pair of his shoes.

"What do I get in exchange of these?"

"But I just gave your sisters money for the ritual!" He exclaims.

"Yeah, well that was them. If you need these shoes, you need to deal with me, right Armaan?"

"Yes, bhabhs." I can see Armaan giving sorry looks to his brother.

"Aye, bhabhi's blind supporter slash chamche (groveller), shut up."

"Don't you dare talk to my devar (younger brother-in-law) like that again. Be quick I don't have all day."

"My lady what would you wanna have?" I look at Armaan and see him grinning.

"Well, I want that sports car Armaan has been asking you." So, Armaan wanted a sports car badly and Jai has been reluctant about it and so, I thought of helping him a bit.

"No way."

"Yes way." I press with a glare.

"First show me the shoes, I am sure you don't even have them."

"Ohhh really, see." I raise my lehenga to show him that I am in fact wearing his shoes instead of mine.

"Say yes or I'll burn your favourite shoes." I have come to know that Jai love these pair of his shoes and why not taken benefit of it, now that the opportunity is right.

"You wouldn't."

"Try me."




"Armaan, matchsticks." I look to my side to see Armaan taking out the matchbox from his pocket and giving them to me.

"You still have time." I flick the match and I can see the fear in his eyes.

"Okay, okay. Just give me my shoes now."

"See, wasn't that difficult now, was it." I can see Jai giving me glares, and if those were not enough, I can see my parents and other relatives glaring too while Jai's parents and grandparents just seem amused.

I remove the shoes and give them to Jai with a toothy smile over my face which I try and conceal by tightly pressing my lips to one another, looking at his glares while a very happy Armaan is bouncing next to me, singing my praise.

It's the time for Bidaai and though, I haven't stayed at my home for few years now, I can still feel my eyes stinging. I blink fast in an attempt to clear my eyes but they don't seem to work. We proceed towards the car and I am engulfed by my father.

His eyes watery, making me more emotional. I then hugged my sisters and my mother before I am made to sit inside the car. I am not fully a crying mess but I can't seem to put an end to my silent tears. Jai slides next to me and I can feel his gaze on me. He forwards a water bottle to me and I take a huge gulp before thanking him.

The Royal ArrangementOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora