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They would pay for this. I had given them the cure and they had spat it back in my face. After all I had done for this world, was it too much to ask for a place at the top? It only stood to reason that I should rule the world, I had saved it. I had earned my right to lead them.

I wanted a world that was better. A world without the pain of the infection. Well, a pain that I didn't control. Those little mongrels had no idea that while I had been developing a cure I had also experimented with the virus itself. I smiled as I looked upon the creature that floated inside the circular tube. Wires and more tubes connected to it. Those pathetic people might have taken the city but in doing so they had also signed their own death warrants.

I smiled as I hit the button, the liquid slowly drained from the container. The creature's eyes opened. Those fools had no idea what was coming for them. They wanted a war, I would give them a war.

(Unedited) Stage One: Hope in DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now