Hysteria (Lara)

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As the sun came over the horizon we were on our way out. Ryan and I figured it was best we didn't tell them about Shadow. We got back onto the main street and headed in the direction of the possible way out of the city.

It was a slow morning but after having some bread and water in our system we got some energy to push forward and get out of this hell hole. For the most part the only thing we saw was the towering buildings above us. They all stood perfectly straight and most windows were still standing. Anything that didn't was left on the streets where we walked. We could hear nothing but the crunching of the glass on the gravel and every so often we could hear rippers calling out to the walkers.

In those areas we had to sneak around taking the long route. It was tedious but we made it to the mark that indicated where the line was. We looked around so confused. The street looked like all the others. Broken and abandoned. A ghost town of the past.

"I don't see anything," Sam said confused. I took a deep breath and just looked closer at the buildings. Nothing was here. Just a bunch of old restaurants, clothing stores, etc. But nothing looked like a shortcut out of this city

"Lara maybe it's nothing..maybe we should just head back-"

"No" I blurted out at Sam and turned to him "no there has to be something here we've lost too much time just trying to get her" I said simply rubbing my head

"Lara we don't have much time to think about this" Ryan said shaking his head

"Train" Rose finally spoke up. I turned to look at her and her eyes were fixated on a sign just above some stairs that lead downward. I smiled and ran over to the stairs

"Lara, wait!" Ryan called to me as I slowed and looked down the stairs. Completely dark. It left a gut twisting feeling in me. Fear that made me feel sick "oh shit. That has 'hell' written all over it" Ryan mumbled as we all looked down the stairs that lead to pitch-black nothingness.

"Yeah it sure does" I sighed after a long time of holding my breath. "Well ... what are we waiting for?" I said starting to walk but felt a hand grab my arm

"Lara this is too dangerous... these things were full of people when the breakout happened...there could be thousands..." Ryan said genuinely worried and scared.

"Hey Ryan, come on. Don't turn into a wuss on me. Me and you, we've handled more Rippers then that should be a walk in the park" I said trying to be encouraging. He sighed

"Not in a closed area" he replied and crossed his arms. I looked past him to see Rose and Sam had just stopped and didn't even move to the stairs. I watched them and looked back to the darkness.

"I'm not going another way....you guys can go back or find another way but I'm going this way" I told him pulling away. I didn't wait and headed down. I took out my ice pick and made my way through. It was silent for a whole until I got to the train car and heard gurgling and groaning. I froze and saw the train car was filled with walkers. I moved behind a pillar and took a deep breath. There was so many in there. They couldn't even move around. I moved and crawled behind the benches as I came to a wall and now I had to move fast.

I moved and dropped off the walkway and onto the track and crouched down. No one on the tracks thank god. I heard some shuffling above me. They were looking for what made the sound and I was holding very still. Once the noise calmed I moved and looked at the end of the car and saw the door had been chained and locked. Someone was keeping them in. Not Rippers that's for sure. I followed the tracks but it seemed everything else was cleaned up.

The smell however never seemed to ease up and I felt sick the whole time. And the little things that would happen I would panic and turn my light on. I would just have tripped or kicked a rock into the rail. It was all at some point beginning to become too much and it never seemed to end. The darkness and the tunnel never ended.

I never did well with loneliness and in this kind of situation I would break down. There were many other times I found it hard to handle and every time someone was there to pull me together. Not this time. This time I was alone. I was alone and this stupid choice was going to be the end. If that horrible screeching noise would just stop hurting my ears and calling every walker...

I opened my eyes and heard the noise and started to follow it. It was here I found one car all alone and it had some light inside and the windows were sealed up. No ripper or walking could or would do this. This was a human. I rushed forward and opened the door, finding it unlocked and walked in. It was set up to last for any survivor and it made me so happy to see some light but what made me even more happy. Was the drawing I found of me.

She was here. I smiled and rushed to leave. I found the car door and got out and not too far down the track I saw more light. I followed it and saw a door with some light shining through the edges. I ran over to the door and gave it a good yank pulling it open when I heard a snarl. I spun around and saw a walker throw themselves on me knocking me back. After a yelp left my lips I pushed and kicked it back.

I spun around feeling adrenaline racing through me and crawled up the steps almost on the grass as a hand wrapped around my ankle. I kicked again with no give this time. I felt the whole world slow as I looked to see the teeth coming down to bite into my leg but a long ring was behind me and the head vanished from the shoulders. I held my ears in shock for a second before feeling hands grab my arms and yanking me up to my feet. I looked up and saw Ryan there smiling at me. His mouth moved but I couldn't hear it.

"What?!" I yelled. I saw him laugh then I turned to see Rose and Sam had closed and locked the door

"He said we found another way out when we heard the door open and you came out" Rose said laughing. I guess almost dying turned me hysterical. 

(Unedited) Stage One: Hope in DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now