Breaking Out (Lara)

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After we all split up I went to find the prison. Again after being locked in a cell I only heard rumors but never actually saw anything. So just following the mental map I had made in my head I managed to sneak around the city until I came up to a large building that looked like a high school and the amount of security guards told me it was definitely the prison.

I got closer and slipped inside through an open WI where I killed a sleeping guard and took his knives and pistol that I strapped around me. I never took any chances as I slipped through the school. Hallway after hallway and all of them lined with metal lockers. All were labeled with names all military like. This alone told me the security guards here or in this area.

Shadow wasn't kidding when he said thousands. It wasn't dark either which meant if I was caught I'd probably be overrun with guards. I slipped through and found the office and saw the keys on the desk. I gathered them and left looking for the others. I did find some and explained to them my plan.

Those who were to get out of the room helped me to clear out the rest of the guards in the school before returning to the other classes and unlocked those where we released all slaves. Half of the work was done on my part. And doing all this took me an hour.

"Lara?" I heard Ryan and turned to see him walking with the crowd and with Sam as well. I smiled and ran over and practically threw myself at both of them hugging them. I smiled and giggled feeling happier knowing they were here with me.

"I can't believe it," Sam smiled, hugging me back and Ryan just hugged me. Once they pulled away Sam had the biggest smile on his face looking at me.

"It wasn't easy " I assured him then turned to look around and all the eager faces who wanted nothing more than to just get the hell out of this place. "But this fight isn't over yet" I said to them seriously. They knew just by looking at me that what I was about to say wasn't going to be good.

I moved and shuffled through the crowd of people until I found the highest vantage point and got everyone's attention. I hated this but it had to be done

"Can I have your attention!" I yelled and everyone turned and looked at me

"Are you going to get us out?" A woman called out

"Uh... here's the thing.... I didn't just rescue you all just to help you run away" I announced. "I need your help....all of you....I am working with a small group of people... to take over the city from the one they call 'Master ' and-"

"Take over the city?"

"Why would you want that "

"We have to leave!" Everyone yelled all kinds of things in disbelief that I would want to fight against the Rippers. I held up my hands to silence them

"I know this sounds....stupid.... But we need help and with some of the safety of this city we as human beings can thrive more than we ever have!" I said.

"How exactly do you plan us to fight back?!...they have the damn guns" another man yelled

"I have someone working on breaking into the weapons vault as we speak and if we move fast we can arm ourselves with them to fight back-"

"You're crazy!"

"I'm not doing this" they were so incredibly selfish. It upset me

"Wait!" I snapped and they all fell silent looking at me "I don't want to do this either....but we - yes We are left no choice. These Rippers they're vicious yes...they killed innocent people and controlled the walkers... but without us they are nothing" I said seriously. My speech had started to take effect. "Without us they wouldn't have the food, water, supplies to build these walls that keep them safe!"

"Yeah" some mumbles here and there

"Without us they would have died!" I called out seeing nods from around the crowd

"It sounds like you're blaming us for all this mess!" A man countered. I turned in the direction but couldn't see who it was.

"No I'm not. What I'm saying is that we did all the work that put them on the top of the who's to say we can't bring them down!?" I yelled, earning more energetic cheers "we gave them everything!-we can take it away!" I heard more yelling "these assholes thought they could get away with making us work for free?!... in this world?!"

"No!" They all yelled back

"Then what are we doing?!...we're going to take back what is rightfully ours!" I yelled "right?!"

"Yeah!" The power of they're cries shook me to the core. It was scary.

"Then help us fight back. Because if we dont....the world will end" I said, striking another cord. I could see some had a worried look in their eyes. They had families and loved ones outside the city they wanted to keep safe. "We can build this city to be a beacon of hope! ....hope for a better future for your families. And who knows maybe someday remove the walkers permanently.... But today. Today we fight for our freedom." I said looking around "for the life of others. Our families. Friends, husband's, wives, sisters, brothers, you get the idea" I laughed lightly earning a light smile or two.

"What's your plan?" Another asked not sarcastically but genuinely curious and eager to join. I smiled wanting to make a joke. I couldn't help it.

"Well...if you don't join....I'm going to grab a gun and blow the living shit out of as many Rippers and walkers as I possibly can" I said and again the energy began to grow "and I will not stop until my dying breath because you.. the true survivors of this world deserve that!" I yelled

"Yeah!" They all cried out

"Who will join me?" I finally asked and instead of hearing hesitant volunteers speak softly through the crowd they all spoke - no yelling back in screams and cries of war. I had my army now. And if those rippers weren't scared. They should be. Because we were going to bring the real Hell to they're front door.

(Unedited) Stage One: Hope in DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now