Gun Point (A&L)

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Shadow separated from me whe Lara called for the key. Good riddance. I was searching the store room, there were cans of food, and bottled water. I grabbed some grocery bags and started to fill them. With the truck we could afford to carry more with us. I was moving some boxes to get better access to the water when I spotted it. A bag. It had a bow strapped to it, it must have been left here by another survivor. A quick perusal of its contents produced a gun. It was a handgun, there was even some ammo. Lara could use this.

Shadow popped back in, "Miss me?" I threw the bag at him. 'Take this to Lara' I wrote on my pad and flashed it towards him. "So bossy," he winked and left again. There was a rolling cart, I filled in with the supplies. I pushed it out of the back room. I saw Shadow crouched near the door. Hearing me he glanced at me. He put his finger to his lips. Quiet.

I listened, "Up in flames," A man's voice. It sounded familiar. I could place it. A lilt in his speech told me he was from the south. The south. He must be one of his people. I peeked through one of the windows. Several men had started approaching Lara, weapons raised. We needed to get out of here.


I held perfectly still. My back was too them so I couldn't see the men but I heard them walking. Without moving I looked up to the shop and saw Shadow and Bell there watching. I remembered one word she taught me.


If they got caught it would ruin the surprise for the master. Shadow knew what I said. He could read sign and without thinking he grabbed her and pulled her with him out of sight.

A hand grabbed my arm and yanked me to stand up and I was faced with all kinds of men who never lowered they're guns from me. They were from the last camp I stopped by for arrows and stuff. The place I was kidnapped from. He patted me down and Hannibal watched tense. I held up my hand telling him to wait. While checking me for weapons he found my only weapons on me. The rifle and hatchet that I had on me

"Where's the other?" The man demanded standing straight

"Other?" I asked, playing naive but got slapped for it. The sting in my cheek brought back the pounding in my head. I didn't realize it was gone until now.

"Don't play stupid girl. We see the wolf in the truck now, where is she?!" He demanded. Another firmly pressed the barrel of the gun to my head

"You can't kill me" I told him, calling his bluff. He glared at me.

"No....but I can kill the mutt" he said, moving to walk past. I hadn't thought this through. I moved to stop him and landed a really good left hook knocking him to the ground before I was grabbed. In the chaos of my attack I managed to sign to Hannibal run and find her. They saw my weird gestures and turned to the truck but he was long gone by now. He was a stealthy thing. This just seemed to anger him. So with balled up fists he grabbed me and faced me to the shot with me as a shield pressed a gun to my back.


Shadow had seen Lara sign run. He immediately grabbed me, I fought back. No way was I leaving her here, I had promised myself I wasn't ever going to leave her again. Shadow had other plans. Seeing that I had intention to leave he simply pick me up and threw me over his shoulder.

No! Put me down you slimy little crazy person! My fists hammered into his back but he showed no sign that it was bothering him. He had me out the back way and into the woods before I could even blink. He had understood Lara's signing, he had lied to me in the woods when we first met. He understood everything I signed.

Now I was even more angry. I kicked my feet, trying with all my might to hit him somewhere that would bring him to his knees. He made a small sound and the air left his lungs. He noticed my intentions and his arm tightened around my legs like a vise, preventing me from moving. We were getting further from the station with every step, I had to get down and go back now.

I opened my mouth and bit him on the back, hard. I could taste blood before I was airborne. All the air in my body left me as I hit the ground, Shadow wasted no time. He was on top of me pinning my arms down. I struggled kicking and wiggling as hard as I could. I have to go back! I have to go back! I was crying now, I could taste their saltiness as they ran down my face.

The roar of a truck hit my ears. They are taking her! With renewed energy I shoved at Shadow. He fell off me. I took off running, I saw the taillights go over the hill just as I got there. Damn it! Damn him! I turned all my rage on Shadow. I swung at him, catching him in the jaw. He stumbled back caught off guard. I went for him again. He caught me this time. Pinning me against him. Let go! I tried to get loose but he was too strong, and I wasn't thinking.

I suddenly felt exhausted, all the fight had left me. I collapsed against him. Grief replaced all my anger. Great big sobs left me. I wrapped my arms around Shadow and put my head on his shoulder. he rocked me back and forth.

"I couldn't let them take us. If we got caught then who would be left to save Lara and everyone else." I knew that what he was saying made sense. Didn't mean I had to like it though. Something warm touched my hand. I looked down to see amber eyes surrounded by black fur. Hannibal. She had saved Hannibal. Now it is my turn to save you.

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