On a Mission(Lara)

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Once we got back I was taken to our little makeshift sick bay and laid to rest. I was given some pain medication to help and I was given the okay to sleep. Seems most of the damage done was on my leg and my ribs. Lucky me. I was grateful to get sleep once back as well. The last day was hard to get through and they said I deserved it. Hey I'm not arguing there. Hell even Emily stopped by to check in on me and wish me well on getting better but Ryan vanished. Sam stopped by since he was helping Rose with healing people, and gave me a check up every couple of hours.

This gave me some time to think on my own. About the picture I found. About the possibility that she was alive and I gave up so easily. No Lara you can't think like that. I just couldn't think how she got away. We were riding in the car and she stepped out to see if she could see anything. Then she was swept away. I was attacked by the zombie and no one helped me. Focus. What was in that area? Days passed. Some brushing on my leg but I was healing really well and still no Ryan.

Water!. I remember hearing about a river in that area. If she got away she would know that there would have been a river. Weeks pass as I study the maps of the area that Emily helped me in getting and saw the flow of water was marked. They led away from the outbreak zone. I saw there was a kind of overlook that looked over the whole area. Just above the school we were camped at.

The sniper. I remember the glint from the scope when the attack happened. I made up a plan of what I needed to do. I needed to go into the forest and look for any sign of a camp and if I couldn't find anything then I'd go to the snipers point and see if I could get a lead there. After I got info about where the Rippers ran off to.

After what felt like a lifetime and a growing itch to get out of camp I was finally well enough to walk and get back to work. I was even cleared by the Chief himself. I got outside in the sun and felt the weather was cooler than before. I kept hold of the photo and looked at it everyday. Inspiration to keep going and I was fighting myself every day. Part of me said it was a lost hope to find someone alive and the other part believed that if there was even a small chance that they were alive then I needed to take it. Today was the day.

"Hey" I heard Sam speak up and he walked up and stood with me "how does it feel to get out of that bed?" He chuckled. I smiled at his joke because I had been chewing his ear off about getting out of that room.

"Free...almost" I admitted and watched his face. I had told him about my theory and plans about leaving and he tried to talk me out of it every time. He was smiling one second but it was gone the next. "I'm going Sam. I can't have that guilt on my conscious" I told him. He looked down frowning

"There isn't anything I can say to change your mind?" He asked meeting my eyes.

"If it were Rose?" I asked simply and he looked back down. I knew he would do anything for her. I smiled at him "I'll be fine" I said assuring him and made my way to the Chief's tent. The guards looked me over then announced me before letting me in. I saw the Chef and Ryan talking on the table and I looked between them

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Chief asked me and smiled as he patted my arm like a father would do to a son. I shrugged

"Fine I guess but sir I need to be blunt with you" I said not wasting time with him. He saw I was serious and nodded

"Alright" was all he said and gestured for me to start. I stepped up to the table and took a deep breath.

"I need to leave camp." I said. Ryan and the Chief looked at me confused

"What?-why?" Ryan asked

"I have some unfinished business I need to take care of and if you can spare any supplies I would be-"

"Out of your mind" Ryan snapped. I glared at him "I saved your life and now your just leaving and expecting to take supplies with you?-"

"I don't expect anything Ryan" I countered then turned to the Chief "when did he take over for you?" I said being sarcastic

"He will in about a week," he said. I stared at him. This was going to be much harder than I thought. Chief would let me out and give what he could but Ryan was tougher than that. More strict. "And I'm letting him make all the calls while I supervise" he explained

"You're kidding right?" I asked not believing this.

"No he is not and you are not leaving with our only supplies" Ryan said crossing his arms

"Well then I'll just go on my own" I objected

"What is so important out there that you risk leaving us one man down?" He asked

"Family?" I questioned him. He looked at me confused. "Look that friend I mentioned before that I lost. I think she's alive-"

"That's it?" He asked. I threw my hands up

"You make it sound like I want an old CD" I told him with anger lacing my voice.

"You are one of our best fighters Lara, we can't risk you dying out there" he explained being more sympathetic to me. I looked down trying to control and gather my thoughts before facing him again. "Lara I didn't save your life just so you can get yourself killed again "

"Well too bad Ryan" I snapped looking up at him. "I didn't ask you to save me and leader or not you don't control me so elsewhere you help me or not. I'm leaving " I said and turned on a heel to leave. I left the tent and stormed off to gather my bag from Emily who gave me all of my normal things that were indeed mine. The back pack, hunting knife and ice pick, extra shoes, water bottle and extra clothes. I was doing inventory when I saw two boots walk up to me and saw Sam, Rose, and Ryan there looking at me. "What?" I asked

"You can't go alone" Ryan told me then dropped me a bag of items. I looked in it to see some food and a weapon with a clip of ammo.

"You can't come with me this is my thing" I said

"It's actually our thing now" Ryan told me

"No" I stood up glaring at him. I could argue this all day and night I wasn't going to budge on this. I. Was. Going. Alone. 

(Unedited) Stage One: Hope in DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now