Walkers (Lara)

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After a while the sun creeped over the horizon and I got up early to beat everyone else to one of the bathrooms. I took a quick shower and got dressed into some old worn clothes that we found in town. A kind of baggy tank top and jeans to help from any crawling I might have to do. I left the bathroom before anyone else showed up and went back to my bed and sat down to get my shoes on and tie my hair up and out of the way.

"Lara" a voice asked and I looked up to see one of the patrol guys walking up "chief wants to see you ASAP" he instructed and I nodded in acknowledgment. He left me and I stood up and headed down the stairs passing others who were changing shifts and moving supplies and setting up food in the cafeteria which was my first stop before seeing the chief.

"Hey Lara, you get called in?" I heard Ryan ask as he walked over to me waiting in line for his food as well. His hair was short but he still styled it to look messy. I wasn't sure why that was even a thing but it matched his style I guess.

"Yup I sure did Ryan." I answered by getting my cooked potato and some deer stew we had. It was mostly potatoes and a bread roll. Mostly fillers

"Oh, so did I. Looks like we're going to be working together" he smiled doing the same

"Maybe your getting demoted" I joked smiling at him as I moved along and found an empty table to sit at

"Whatever Lara" he rolled his eyes and sat across from me. By now the whole cafeteria was alive with small talk and kids giggling and laughing "I'll be the next chief before you can even become second in charge" he said full of himself as always

"I bet that's how you got Emily to date you" I teased about his ex. He shot me a short glare but we all knew he was the camp playboy and even he knew it so he didn't take any offense to it. I smiled and soon Derek and Sam, Ryan's buddies came over and sat with us

"Hey did you get called?" Sam asked looking at me as they both sat down beside Ryan

"Why is everyone so interested if I got called?" I asked, looking between them. Derek chuckled and just focused on his food

"Because you know Rose and she knows everything going on in camp" Sam answered shrugging. Sam didn't have anything to eat other than two bread rolls and some water.

"And?" I was confused. Why was he asking so many questions?

"Rose talks to you" Sam answered.

"Aaand?" I asked again. Ryan chuckled and looked up from his food to me.

"Did she say anything about why we would be called?" Ryan finally asked

"Why didn't you just say that Sam? " I smiled as he held up his hands

"Because he's still hung up on Rose" Ryan told me and Sam glared at him. Rose and Sam came in together but when they got here and have been together all the way up to about a month ago when they split up. It was a real shame because with Rose's pixie hair and Sam's shoulder length wavy rocker hair they just fit.

"Shut up" Sam hissed at Ryan and pushed his shoulder.

"Well I'm not saying anything. If you've been called then you'll find out when we see the chief." I told him I was too worried someone else would hear me if I said anything. He rolled his eyes but didn't push the matter further. We all quickly finished our food and cleaned up before heading over to the main office where the chief was waiting. We knocked then stepped inside. His office was far from bare. Maps lined almost all the walls with marks and notes dotted all across the land saying what to look out for. His desk was topped with letters and notes from everyone in the camp wanting some upgrades or court matters handled. We tried to keep as civilized as we could and so far it worked well.

"It's about time you four showed up," Chief snapped at us and came from the back room that had some of the more important items he kept locked up until they were asked for and signed out. "Okay so I've called you in because I got word that there was some kind of loud sound coming from town" chief started as we all surrounded the map showing us. He had our makeshift border outlined where we were and then the town marked. He took the pen and pointed the tip onto a spot in the center of town "this is where we think the sound came from. One of the towers said they saw some light coming from there but no fire" he said

"What about walkers?" Ryan asked serious now and looked at the map like it was going to start moving.

"Nothing yet. But I'm going to lock up camp for a couple days until I'm sure that any that wander close won't catch us unguarded" Chief explained. I agreed with it completely. A sound like that would go a long way. "All I want from you guys is to go have a look and see what happened. And report back. Nothing else. I don't need you guys getting hurt or risking anything" he told us sternly and looked at Derek while he was avoiding his glare. "You hear me Derek?" Chief snapped. Derek looked at him then nodded

"Yes sir" Derek finally answered. From what I knew he was born into a military family so his head was always shaved short and had perfect clothes, and organization ,and worked hard but the idiot can get caught up in the fight that it will get him killed someday. Chief nodded and then looked between all of us and nodded.

"Good now go see Emily I've told her everything and she should have your bags ready to go." He ordered and with that we just left the room. We all moved quickly and got to the office where Emily was standing and her eyes landed on me. Since my 'joke ' we didn't get along. But her and Ryan were still talking and every now and then would hang out on they're days off.

"Hey Emily" I smiled trying to be nice but she just dropped my bag onto the counter and moved on. I nodded "okay then" I said and took the bag and moved on. The others gathered they're things and she wished all of them good luck and even gave Ryan a smile.

"It's amazing how he can go that" Sam muttered as he walked over to me

"What? Find girls who are blind?" I joked

"Talking behind my back Lara?" Ryan chuckled hearing me and walked to where I could see him. I shook my head

"Nope. I wanted you to hear. Someone's gotta let out some air from your head" I joked smiling as I walked around and started to lead the way. We headed to the gate and got some bikes signed out and took them into town. We got pretty close before stopping and leaving the bikes and going onto the site where the sound was. The sun was beating down on us by now and made it hard to see. But we didn't need to see what was around the corner. The noise was more than enough for us. And I think I spoke for everyone when I said that it scares us all to our core.

(Unedited) Stage One: Hope in DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now