"Bright" Win called my name in a hush. I kissed the top of his head before answering.

"Yes, bunny?"

"Do you know her?"

I sighed. "Yes, but I only met her at the birthday party of the Jumpol's twins." I heard a small whine. But I assured him, "Don't worry, I do not care about her. She kept hitting on me even though I told her that I'm already taken."

"Hmm~... You're mine?" He asked, looking up at me. Damn, he looks like a bunny begging for a carrot.

I smiled. "Of course. I am yours, and you are mine."

"But I'm still angry at you" he said and turned away from me, his back facing me this time.

"Bunny, I already explained everything."

"I'm not going to let her inside the restaurant. If she ever appears there, I'll throw her out. And if she ever touches you again, I'll punch the bitch's face until she's unrecognizable."

I gulped. Wow, that gave me shivers.

"Now, now, bunny." I hugged him from behind and rested my chin on his shoulder. "Shall we go and eat? The doctor said you'll need to eat to gain your strength again."


"Bunny, if you don't eat before P'Gun arrives, he'll kill me."


"I'll cook for you, hm? How does that sound?" I tried to pursue him.

After a lot of pampering on my bunny He finally decided to eat. We're at a local hospital. I panicked, so I brought him here. I was planning on bringing him back to my house, but it's too far from where we are.

He kept asking about it. And I cooperated. It's only been a month—a month of happy relationships with him—and a problem has already occurred. I'm just glad he listened to me. But something feels off about that woman. I have to ask Dew to look for information about her.

Why do I feel like she knows Win?


Some hours later, P'Gun came to the hospital. He was angry at me, but not angry enough to actually slap me in the face like last time. The doctor said that Win could finally return home, and P'Gun suggested taking Win back to their condo. I did not even know Win had his own condo; I've always thought that he's living with Jumpol's family.

after they left. I returned to my own car and went back to the office. It is still working hours, and I need to finish up some work loads.

arriving at the office. I called Win to see if he arrived at their place safely. I did my work while on the phone with Win; it's always been like this these days, and I'm actually having fun talking to him while working. Making my work more enjoyable than annoying

"Sir, it's Mr. Dew," my secretary called. I nodded, and Dew came inside.

"I gotta go, bunny. I'll call you later. Drink your medicine, okay?" I told Win over the video call.

He nodded and showed me a bowl of noodles. "I'm already eating; you can go and do your job; I'll be fine."

"Okay, but if you feel something again, just call me or P'Gun."

"Sure, bye-bye."

We ended the call, and I looked at Dew. Who is already looking at me with a smug look?

"What?" I asked in a bored tone.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing; I never thought that you'd be like this once you're in a serious relationship with someone."

"Shut up. You're making me look like a villain."

He laughed and sat on the sofa.

"Cut the chitchats," he said. His expression turned serious, and so did I. "The guy we found a month ago near your place had already spoken."

The guy whom I found sneaking and spying on me and Win while we're making love. That guy does not know what privacy means.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"The guy's target is not you, Bright. He was told to kill Win in order to get the son," he explained.

My eyes widen in shock.

"What do you mean?"

"I thought you're smarter than me, Bright," he said and smirked. He threw the folder on my desk. I took it and read the files.

He continues, "The guy's boss's instructions are to kill Win Metawin Opas-iamkajorn and get the child without the Adulkittiporn knowing about it."

Reading the files made me happy but, at the same time, worried. So, he is...

"Do you know why they want the child and why they wanted to kill Win instead of killing you?"

I look at him with dark eyes. An evil smirk appeared on his face.

"Because Win Metawin's son is your son, Bright Vachirawit Chiva-aree," he said. I knew it... "Three years ago, on that very faithful day, your son was made, Sun Vachiwin Chiva-aree, a dominant Alpha and the next successor of the Yellow Eyes."

"And they want him, for my son has both of the things they want: an Alpha and a Successor," I said, crumbling the paper.

"I'm going to kill them all."


Father: Vachirawit Chiva-aree
(Dominant Alpha)
Blood type: AB

Mother: Metawin Opas-iamkajorn
(Dominant Omega)
Blood Type: AB

Child/children: Vachiwin Chiva-aree
(Dominant Alpha)
Blood Type: A

  Probability of Paternity: 99.9998%

Real Father: Vachirawit Chiva-aree
Real Son: Vachiwin Chiva-aree


   Thank you for voting and reading!❤️🎢

‼️(This Chapter is already edited since I noticed some typos)‼️

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