You're My World

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Present day

All night Trixie and Katya joked and laughed, talked and danced, just as if no time had passed at all. Even though years had passed, they were still the same, still two pieces of a puzzle.

They were still as entranced by eachother as they had been fifteen years before.
Still just as connected in heart and head.
Still the Barbie and the Biker.

Still Trixie & Katya.

"You've got no idea how much I've missed you." Katya said. "Honestly I think I've missed you more than I even realized."

"I've missed you too, so so much." The doll replied.

But three words remained unsaid in the air between them. Through all their conversations that night, neither woman had said what needed to be said.

So many promises hung in the air.
Promises to never separate again.
Promises to always stay together.
Promises to lead eachother through the darkest times.

But the three words they needed to say to keep them all, those remained unsaid.

"Katya, there's something I have to tell you, and I have to do it now before I chicken out again. I lost my chance to tell you before and I can't do that again, even if it ruins our friendship." Trixie said as they were leaving the club.

The speech made Katya expect the worst.

Had she done something wrong?
Was it something in their past that really had made Trixie stop talking to her by her own will?
Was she lying about loosing her phone?

But no such tragedy came, instead came the words Katya thought she'd never hear the doll say to her.

"I love you."

Katya suddenly felt paralyzed, unable to speak or think. Here was her dream girl, saying the words she'd always wanted to hear and yet she was tongue-tied.

"Say something." She yelled at herself internally. "For fucks sake Katya, say something!"

"It's okay if you don't feel the same, I just kind of needed to say it. But clearly you don't feel the same, so just forget about it. Please don't let it fuck up our friendship." Trixie rambled.

"Trixie I-"

"No it's okay, really. I just, I can't loose you again. So please just forget about it."

"No Trixie, you don't understand. I-" Katya started to say, but the Barbie interrupted her again.

"Seriously, can we just leave it? I don't need to be more humiliated. It really doesn't ma-"

"Trixie, I love you too!" Katya finally yelled out.

"You what?" Trixie said in shock.

"I love you, you dork."

Before Katya could say another word, Trixie threw her arms around the blue-eyed woman and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. The embers that had always been glowing grew into a full flame, the whispering wind turning into a full storm of emotions.

For so long they had both felt lost, wandering the world away from the one person who could make them feel complete. But there in eachothers arms, with soft lips connected, there they were finally home.

They were finally found.

A/N: Thank you for reading this story and thank you guys for all the support!
I've got a new Trixya story out called "Sign on the line".
In addition I've written a ton of other Trixya fics and other stories, please consider checking them out 💛

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