Rubik's Cube

287 22 14

Present day

"So I told him, like you have to pay for that, like they're designer shoes and you apologizing for being an idiot doesn't fix them. Like, am I wrong? Anyways-"

Trixie tuned out the sound of her date babbling about the tragedy of her shoes getting soaked in beer.

Another wonderful Valentine's Day, or Single Awareness Day which Trixie found to be the more accurate name. She'd been forced by her friends to go on a date, and eventually agreed that they could set her up.

Worst decision ever. 

Fifteen years had gone since she and her parents moved to LA. Fifteen years had gone since she last saw her favorite person in the world. She knew it was childish, she knew that holding onto the life she had at sixteen was strange, but she couldn't help it. Ever since the day she left she'd been twisting and turning the colors in rows without finding the solution, never being able to solve her rubik's cube and make the moving parts fall into place. 

Her life wasn't bad, not at all. She was working actively as a makeup artist, and she had a pretty successful YouTube channel where she posted mostly makeup videoes, covers, and original music. But she was thirty-one without a single long-term relationship under her belt. 

Living's like a jigsaw, and if you're missing pieces you'll never be able to complete it. That was Trixie's issue. She was missing what she saw as the most important puzzle piece in her life. Still, there was a roof above her head, and she had more money than most. So she knew better than to be ungrateful.

"So, do you wanna head back to yours?" The girl sat across from her asked. 

Trixie had almost forgotten that she was there. Her mind on her drink and the image of a girl with black hair and blue eyes staring up at her from it. She thought about herself back then, how her own hair used to be cotton candy pink, now a light blonde tone instead. 

Would Katya's hair have changed?

Had the black curls been exchanged for the girl's natural blonde locks? 

Or did the heavy dye still remain in her roots?

"I'm actually really tired, but maybe some other time?" Trixie said, trying to let the girl down gently.

"Oh yeah, sure, you've got my number." She said as she stood up, giving Trixie a kiss before heading out. 

I won't be needing it. - Trixie thought.

She was sure the girl could find someone else in no time. She was young and pretty, but nothing like what Trixie needed or wanted in her life.

She needed someone who'd surprise her at every turn by saying what was most unexpected.
She needed someone who'd tease her relentlessly.
She needed someone who'd make her laugh like a crazy person. 

Someone like Katya.

But there was no one like Katya.

If only phones back in the early 2000s had the functions of smartphones now, then Trixie would never have lost Katya's number. She'd tried to look the girl up in the phonebook, but Katya was against having her number be public so of course she'd had her record removed. On top of it all she didn't even have a facebook user. Trixie hated facebook, but she hated Katya more for not allowing herself to be found. 

But maybe that was just it.

Maybe it didn't matter to Katya.

Maybe she didn't want Trixie to find her.

Maybe the obsession with having the other girl in her life really was just as one-sided as Trixie feared it had been back in high school. 

Trixie downed her drink, enjoying the way it burned her throat, before she stood up on shaky legs. If she had gotten up to leave a couple seconds sooner, or looked around before heading out the door, she would probably have noticed a familiar silhouette making their way through the bar crowd.

But she just barely missed her.

Fate was playing it's cruel game, preventing the life-size Barbie from seeing the thirty-two year-old girl wearing a leather jacket, ripped jeans, and bright red lipstick. The girl who's long black hair had turned into a choppy blonde bob with bangs.
The girl who hadn't left Trixie's mind for fifteen years.

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