Rewind The Tape

252 20 5

16 years ago

"This is nice, isn't Trixie?" Her mom's boyfriend, Dan, asked her as they put out the garden furniture.

He was nice, Trixie thought, at least tons better than the one who came before him, although it didn't really take much to beat that guy.

"Yeah, it's fine." Trixie replied. 

She hadn't wanted to move again.
She had just gotten used to living in Milwaukee, as they'd moved away from her birthplace Crivitz once her mom divorced her stepdad.

Milwaukee was nice, she had friends there and a much happier daily life than what she'd known before. But now they were back in a small town, but so far away from everything she knew. They'd moved to a town on the east coast, about forty minutes away from Boston by car. If Trixie could drive, she'd travel into the city as much as she could, but she'd never trusted herself behind the wheel, always relying on her bike or the bus instead. 

"Trixie, come here once!" Her mom asked from inside the house. 

"Go on and help Val, I'll finish up here." Dan said.

Trixie quickly made her way inside, finding her mom struggling with some of her boxes. She quickly aided the older woman, carrying them up to her new room. 

"This will be a new start for us, honey. And look, Dan got it all painted for your already." 

"Yeah, I'm sure it will, mom." She replied as she set the box down.

It really was a nice house, incredible really, and her room looked exactly like she'd always wanted it. Pretty light pink walls with white shelves, ready to house her growing collection of Barbies. Dan could afford everything they'd never had. Trixie had grown up in the middle of nowhere with not much of anything, feeling filthy rich if they ever had twenty bucks to spare. But Dan was a successful lawyer from New York from a pretty wealthy family, who had only been in the area to visit an old friend when he met her mom by happy accident. 

It was a cute story, and one that Trixie hoped wouldn't turn sour in time. That was also why she hadn't made a big fuss out of them moving again, wanting her mom to be as happy as possible. Dan had gotten a new offer in Boston and an amazing offer on a huge house not far from the city. 

"I'm gonna help Dan out, but why don't you start setting up in here?" Val said, her excitement clear as day. Trixie nodded with a smile as her mom left the room in a hurry, ready to start making the place feel like home.

Trixie started unpacking, hanging her pictures up on the walls and hanging her clothes up in the closet. As she was placing her Barbie dolls meticulously on the shelves around the room she saw someone on a motorcycle driving by.

They seemed out of place in the New England landscape. All around were bright colored trees and green lawns, the blue-green ocean barely visible over the treetops, the entire neighborhood the very image of wealth and luxury, and smack down in the center of it was someone in a bulky leather jacket and ripped jeans. 

It seemed like the classic rebel out of a teen movie, and Trixie found herself endlessly fascinated and also terrified by the stranger. And then as soon as the person had appeared, they were gone again, speeding down the road to god knows where.  

Trixie wondered what the kids there were like, knowing that they likely weren't like her at all. Then again, she never fit in with the kids of Crivitz either. She liked her friends back in Milwaukee, but even there she'd gotten used to people judging her for her sense of style.

Her long pink hair and short vintage dresses wasn't everyone's idea of glam, but it was hers. She was a backwoods Barbie through and through, complete with naturally large breasts, wide hips, and a slim waist, a shape she'd grown into quite rapidly over the last couple of years. She knew she was a shocking sight to many, had heard countless whispers behind her back from judgmental people, but she still took pride in her look. 

She was who she was, and what other people thought of her was none of her business. 

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