Settling In

210 17 5

16 years ago

Trixie saw their stares as she made her way through the halls dressed in a short yellow pinafore dress and a white sweater. Her hair was high, her white 60s boots too, and she felt like a human doll. Most of them judged her but also envied her for her bold fashion choices and confident attitude. The school hallway was her personal runway and none of their words would ever change that. 

She walked to her locker with a relaxed smile, having settled in quite nicely in the span of a short week. She'd made some friends, and was finding the small town to not be as bad as she had thought, although some were very obsessed with the amount of money you had which made her uncomfortable as she herself had grown up poor. 

What surprised her about school life however was the fact that she hadn't seen Katya even once, however she'd heard plenty of stories. The girl was popular, but also scared scared the fuck out of half the school. She also apparently missed school a lot, but had generally good grades, especially in anything related to languages. 

"Morning Trixie." Her friend Amy said. 

Amy had a similar aesthetic to Trixie which the doll found comforting, they had quickly hit it off and started to exchange clothes.

"Good morning." 

"I heard Katya's here today." The other girl said. 

"Really?" Trixie said surprised. 

"Yeah, someone said they saw her park her bike." Amy said, pulling out a couple books from her locker. Trixie had told the girl about her meeting with Katya, and Amy had informed her of the fact that Katya apparently very rarely let anyone ride with her. "Speak of the devil." 

Trixie turned around, seeing the school hallway practically open up as Katya walked in. She was dressed in a flowery black dress, a fishnet shirt underneath it, and matching fishnet stockings covering her toned legs. The red lipstick she'd worn when Trixie first met her was gone, replaced by a nude tone instead. 

To her surprise Katya walked straight up to her, not even hesitating after her eyes had noticed her standing by her locker.

"Barbie!" Katya greeted happily.

Trixie could hear murmurs around them, people wondering how Trixie knew the other girl, and why Katya was greeting her as if she was overjoyed to see her. 

"Trix, I've gotta run, but inform me later. I want all the details." Amy said, and Trixie nodded before the girl rushed away.

"Hey Katya, I gotta admit I'm kinda shocked to see you." Trixie said with a giggle.

"Yeah, I kinda come and go, that's my way and the school deals with it. You look fantastic by the way." Katya said. If it had been anyone else Trixie would have confidently agreed, but hearing it come from Katya caused her to blush a deep crimson shade instead as she mumbled out a thank you, her eyes looking down shyly.

"Careful, or you're gonna loose your glasses." Katya said, pushing Trixie's white specs higher up on her button nose. 

"Thanks." The doll said again with a soft smile.

"So, you settling in?" 

"Yeah, got the usual judgments, but I was surprised to find out how chill most people here are about lgbtq people." Trixie said honestly, not at all being used to hearing people chat comfortably about their sexuality in the hallways. 

"Oh no, they're chill. You're gay, right? Sorry for assuming, but you've got a strong lesbian vibe." Katya said.

"Ye-yeah, I am." The Barbie said, feeling a little uncomfortable about admitting it loudly in front of people she barely knew. Katya gave her a funny sort of smile, a look of something similar to relief in her eyes.

"Thought so, I am too by the way." The other girl said, sounding completely comfortable discussing it out in the open. It was refreshing, Trixie thought.

Suddenly the bell rang, cutting their conversation short.

"You should get to class Barbie, wouldn't want to make you late." 

"Shouldn't you get to class too?" Trixie questioned.

"Nah, gotta make them wait, keep them on their toes. I can't be on time, it'd be off brand." Katya replied with a playful smile. "I'll see you later, Barbie." 

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