Know You All Over Again

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Present day

Trixie rarely checked her DM's, normally feeling too overwhelmed by how often they'd be from people sexualizing her. However the insanity of someone having the username "CherylTabithaAndMe" made her curious. Maybe it was the fact that it reminded her so much of something Katya could have come up with, or maybe it was because it was endlessly more interesting than people's usual choices.

She tapped open the message, almost dropping her phone once she saw the name written at the bottom.


I don't know if you remember me, it's been over a decade so I wouldn't blame you for forgetting me. But some friends of mine showed me your YouTube channel, and I just, I had to reach out. Sorry if it's an intrusion or something, or if I did something stupid that made you stop talking to me back then. But yeah, I just wanted to say hi I guess.

Hope you're doing good, Barbie.

- Katya


Katya had contacted her.

Katya thought that she was at fault for them not talking.

Katya had reached out and had wanted them to keep in touch.

Trixie could cry tears of happiness, after all these years she finally had a way to contact the one person that she had been looking for and yearning to have in her life. With shaking fingers she typed out a response, trying her best not to sound too desperate, but still wanting to show how much she wanted to stay in touch.

Hi Katya

Of course I remember you, I've missed you a lot, Kat. It's not an intrusion at all, I'm so happy you got in touch.
I never meant to stop talking to you, but my phone broke and like an idiot I didn't have your number memorized or written down. And btw you did not make it easier by being literally nowhere online, well, except this account, I suppose (also, the name's iconic btw, who's Cheryl and Tabitha?). I hope you're doing great too, what have you been up to? 

It was a little messy and rushed, but Trixie still sent it, too anxious to hear back again to overthink her choice of words. Being in touch with Katya again was everything she'd wanted and now she just wanted to hear everything about the biker's adventures.

She was sure Katya's life had been exciting, she was too special for anything else. Katya would've gone wherever the road took her, without questioning if it was the right decision. Trixie was the opposite, constantly questioning every choice. The only thing she was completely certain of was that she wanted Katya in her life, everything else was fleeting like a bird moving from nest to nest.

Trixie couldn't help but smile as she re-read the message.
Finally they were moving in the same direction again, no longer pulled away by the hands of fate. Trixie knew it didn't mean that she'd actually be able to meet Katya, the girl could literally be anywhere in the world, nor did it mean that Katya had suddenly become interested in her, but at least it was something. At least the woman was in her life again, no matter if it was in the smallest of ways. 

Everything from that point on was a bonus in Trixie's mind.

The train which had disappeared into an unknown tunnel had finally reached her station again, and she was boarding even if it meant hanging onto the side of it, holding on with one arm.

This time she wasn't letting go.

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