To Our Youth

235 19 9

16 years ago

Trixie had no idea where she was. She had gone down to the beach early that afternoon and worked on song lyrics for hours, not noticing how dark it had gotten. She thought she remembered the way back home, but somewhere along the way she must have taken a wrong turn.  The streets were quiet, the wind blowing eerily through the trees, not a car in sight. 

"Goddammit." Trixie said sadly, kicking the ground before she sat down in frustration, hugging her knees to her chest, cursing herself internally for not bringing a jacket. 

Suddenly the sound of a motor running could be heard, the sound quickly growing stronger until the screeching of wheels rubbing against the pavement echoed around her.

"Hey Barbie! You okay?" A female voice yelled. 

Trixie lifted her head and saw the same mysterious stranger that she'd seen pass by her window days before. The girl pulled off her helmet, revealing long black curls and a stunningly gorgeous face. She looked intimidating, Trixie thought, but very pretty nonetheless. 

"Yeah, just resting." Trixie lied. The girl was beautiful, sure, but that didn't make Trixie trust her. The young doll knew better than to randomly trust strangers. 

"Chill, I'm not gonna hurt you. Your family just moved into the Wadsworth house, right?" The girl said as she stepped closer, lighting up a cigarette on her way over, which did not calm Trixie's nerves.

"How did you know that?" 

"It's a small town, people talk. Also I live just up the road from you." The stranger said shrugging her shoulders. 

"Oh yeah.." Trixie mumbled, realizing that the question was somewhat dumb. She shivered as cool air blew against her bare arms, once again feeling foolish for not considering that the sun wouldn't be out all day.

"Here." The other girl said, holding out her over-sized leather jacket. Trixie was hesitant, and it was clear the other woman noticed it. "Come on, you look like you're freezing."

"Thanks." Trixie replied, accepting the jacket and standing up as she put it on, sighing as it's warmth surrounded her.

"So Barbie, you got a name?" The girl said as her eyes scanned over Trixie's body.

Trixie considered whether or not she should answer truthfully for a second, but she figured that the stranger had given her no real reason not to trust her. 

"Yeah, it's Beatrice, Beatrice Mattel, but everyone calls me Trixie." 

"Ah, so Barbie wasn't that far off then." The girl replied jokingly, before holding out her hand for Trixie to shake. "My name is Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova, but your dad just calls me Katya." 

And then Katya gave her the most brilliant smile, bright blue-white teeth shining against a frame of lips painted red, her strikingly blue eyes glittering with genuine joy. Trixie lost her train of thought, for suddenly the entire world was just Katya, nothing else made sense. She couldn't move, couldn't speak, completely mesmerized by how truly beautiful the girl with the rough exterior was when she smiled. That smile could light up the world.

"Uh-ehm, nice to meet you, Katya." Trixie finally said once she'd snapped out of her trance.

"Cute." Katya said so silently that the other girl almost wondered if she'd imagined it. "How old are you, Trixie?"

"I've just turned fifteen, my birthday was in August." 

"Cool, I'm a year above you then, I'll be seventeen in May. But I'll probably see you around at school." Katya replied.

"Yeah, that would be nice." Trixie said, not really sure what to reply. 

"So you want a ride home, or are you still worried that I might be a serial killer or something?" Katya asked making Trixie laugh.

"A ride home would be nice, but judgement's still out on the serial killer-thing." 

"Good on you, I've got a knife collection and I burnt my pet-lizard once, so who knows really?" Katya replied. 

"Oh my god, how did you burn it? With the sun?" Trixie asked with a laugh.

"With fire." Katya deadpanned, before they both broke into a laughing fit.

"Okay, if you kill me, please do it quickly, and make sure I still look hot dead."

"Oh my god, you are a rotted cunt. I think I'm gonna like you Trixie Mattel." Katya replied as she tossed the other girl her helmet. 

Trixie quickly put it on and jumped on the back of the bike, wrapping her arms around Katya's waist so she wouldn't fall off.

"I know I'm gonna like you, Katya." Trixie thought to herself. 

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