If I'm Forgotten

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Present day

Katya felt as if she had blinked and suddenly fifteen years had passed by. All of a sudden her black hair was chopped off and blonde. All of a sudden she had moved from Boston to LA. All of a sudden she'd lost complete contact with her favorite person in the world.

She didn't know what happened, or if anything had happened at all. Trixie had texted and called all the time in the months after she moved away, but then suddenly the texts had stopped entirely. Years passed and she heard nothing so Katya figured that Trixie for some reason had decided that she didn't want her in her life. 

Oddly enough, Katya was okay with it tho. She missed the Barbie doll desperately, but her heart was still in one piece. They'd gone from talking every day to never talking at all, and yet Katya was okay. She didn't feel sorry for herself, or care if Trixie was in someone else's arms, not as long as the girl was happy. Katya would be completely fine with the doll forgetting her completely if it meant that Trixie was happy.

Some things can't feel wrong even if they should. Trixie had been her partner in crime, her reliable ride or die. They'd gone through good and bad, the brown-eyed girl never failing to calm her down if she lost her temper, her heart incredibly pure and unreasonably caring. That one year with Trixie had felt like a lifetime whilst also passing in the blink of an eye. It had been the best year Katya could ever remember, and that was enough for her. She was just really grateful for the fact that at one point in time; Trixie Mattel had been part of her life.

Sometimes she wondered if she'd ever see Trixie again, after all she too had moved to LA, although Katya had no idea if she still lived there. Trixie had taught her to have patience, and Katya often found herself wondering if fate would lead the girl back to her if she was only patient enough. She'd given up on dating the girl, convinced that she wasn't good enough for the pretty doll, but she'd like to at least have Trixie in her life again. Life was better with the life-sized Barbie-doll in it.

Still, her life had turned out good enough. She worked at an old record store, preferring to live in the simple past over catching up with the modern world. She barely had social media at all, only sticking to an Instagram account under the name CherylTabithaAndMe, a reference to her beloved raccoon hat named Cheryl, and her plastic head and adoptive daughter named Tabitha.

Katya knew that none of her friends truly understood her obsession with bizarre artifacts and clothing, and yet she was certain that Trixie would've understood the fun in it whilst also reading her for filth for investing in it. That was what she missed the most about the brown-eyed doll, the way Trixie just got her. They had just worked, even tho they could never figure out why. 

She drove up to the bar, parking her car and briefly regretting having sold her bike as she struggled to find a spot. Bimini, Courtney and Tatianna greeted her outside the building, hugging her lovingly. She liked her friend group a lot, but as much as they cared about her, there was always a level of understanding her that they couldn't achieve. 

"God, I really need a drink, I had the worst day." Courtney said. 

"Don't get me started, I was about to release the beast on a co-worker today. The transphobic arse went on misgendering one of our clients." Bimini replied as they entered the bar. 

If Katya had looked around the room in that moment, she might have noticed the familiar silhouette of a girl who's pink hair had been replaced with natural blonde strands, lighter than her own. But sometimes, even the tiniest variable can stop an event from happening.

Sometimes, fate is a cruel bitch.

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