When I Saw You

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Present day

As Katya walked up the stairs to the club, she felt as if she was in one of her dreams. She hadn't expected Trixie to respond at all, let alone keep the messaging going for days and eventually ask to meet up. 

Now Katya not only knew that Trixie was in LA.
Now she knew that Trixie was only a couple feet away.
Now she knew that Trixie was within reach and wanted to meet her.

Still, Katya doubted that Trixie would ever see her in the light that she herself viewed the Barbie in. But that didn't matter, all that mattered was that Trixie was finally back in her life.

"Katya, over here!" She heard a familiar voice call.

Katya felt the air leave her lungs as she viewed the source of it, for there stood Trixie Mattel, more beautiful than ever.

Long blonde locks hung in perfectly shaped vintage curls, her deep brown eyes sparkling under the club lights, her plump pink lips looking as soft as a velvet cushion. The years had clearly only heightened her beauty, Katya thought, her style and makeup more refined but still bold and colorful, her features even more feminine then they had been when they were teenagers.

Trixie was wearing a form-fitting gold dress which ended mid-thigh. It hugged her every curve, showed off her tiny waist, wide hips and full breasts. She looked sexy as hell, truly like a real-life Barbie, and Katya felt as if she didn't know where to look as she greeted the woman.

"Hi Barbie."

"Hey." Trixie replied shyly, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by the other woman's beauty.

The atomic blonde hair was new, but Katya's eyes, those ocean-like pools of blue and green, they were the same as before. Sure, the woman was older, but she was still Katya.

Katya with the dazzling smile.
Katya with the chronic tardiness.
Katya with the infectious attitude.

Her lips were painted a deep red, her eyelids covered in different shades of purple, and she was dressed in a black leather dress.

She looked different than before, yet still the exact same. The choices were a little more carefully put together, but she was still the same.

Trixie's Katya, she was still there after all the years that had passed.

"You look beautiful, absolutely gorgeous." Katya said.

"Thank you, you do too." Trixie replied with a smile. "Can I get you a drink?"

"Yeah, thanks. I'll have a-"

"A shot of vodka and a Mojito." Trixie finished for her with a laugh.

"You remember?" Katya asked surprised.

"Of course I do, I could never forget your order after the amount of times you begged the bar-staff at Jacques to let you drink hard liquor."

"And you'd always tell them to just get me a coke or a red bull instead." Katya laughed, remembering the way she had so uselessly argued with the poor bartenders.

Trixie laughed at the memory before she went to get the drinks. As Katya watched the angel place get their order, she couldn't help but thank the heaven's above for allowing the girl to return to her life.

Being with Trixie, even just for a moment, felt like having her life back.

Hearing Trixie's laugh was like feeling the air return to her lungs.
Seeing Trixie's bright smile felt like feeling the sun on her face for the first time.
Seeing Trixie's sparkling eyes felt like seeing the clear starry night after years of cloudy skies.

And most of all, talking to Trixie made her feel like she was finally her truest self for the first time in fifteen years.

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