Chapter 13

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Cameron's POV*

Finally, I got out of the meeting and went back to the hotel. I found out Matthew was in Moscow and he interrupted my meeting, ruining the company's chances in getting that Russian lawyer to join us.

I was tired and needed to rest. I don't think I can go to dinner with Jordan. I hope she's not disappointed. I went to the bed and plopped down. I kicked off my shoes and unbuttoned my shirt. I took off my pants then pulled the covers up. Looking at the clock, I saw it was 8:00pm. Where is Jordan?

I shrugged it off and turned off the lamp beside the bed. I can't wait to go back home.

Jordan's POV*

I stayed out in the city until 8:45pm. It truly is beautiful and especially at night. I met plenty of noteworthy people and ate tons of different types of food. Moscow is spectacular. I went back to the hotel around 9, excited for our dinner. Cameron said we were going out at 9:15 so I'm on time.

When I got inside, I saw Cameron snoring in the bed. I sighed and took off my shoes. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. It kinda sucked to see Cameron just sleeping there, to be honest. He could've at least stayed awake to greet me. Maybe I'm overreacting. I took off the dress I was wearing for the day and changed into my pajama shirt and shorts. I snuck into the bed and snuggled beside him. "Goodnight." I turned off the lamp beside me and drifted off to sleep.


Cameron's POV*

I woke up around 12:00pm and smiled. The sun was shining, the city was making noise but not too much. I looked beside me and saw an indentation. Jordan. I sat up and got out of bed. I walked to the balcony and saw Jordan leaning on the rail. Her hair was blowing in the wind, she had goosebumps all over, but she was comfortable. I snaked my hands around her waist and leaned my head on her shoulder. She jumped a little at first, but relaxed. "I'm sorry we didn't eat out. I was so tired from that meeting. Plus our competing company's best lawyer, Mr. Matthew Espinosa, arrived, and ruined the job offering."

"I'm sorry, Cameron." I kissed her neck then looked out on the street.

"Aw, don't worry about it. I have you here." she turned around and cupped my face. "You are so utterly gorgeous, Jordan. You know that?" she blushed and kissed my nose.

"Thank you... Now come on. You're making up that dinner, for me, and treating me out to brunch." she said, then walked off. Her ass swayed and she stepped with confidence.

"Yes, ma'am."


I took her to the White Rabbit in some square. People said they have the best view but I seriously doubt it unless they are looking into Jordan's dark brown eyes.

I wore my white dress shirt and black pants, then black shoes. Jordan, as usual, wore a beautiful dress that fit her perfectly. We walked there instead of taking a taxi, which was nice, and immediately got the 'best view'. Sure, it over looked the rushing cars and green garden but come on. Jordan.

We sat down and ordered. Jordan being elegant yet modest, ordered a strawberry crêpe and water, and I ordered ham, eggs, and a bagel. It's the simple things for me.

We enjoyed breakfast then walked around the city. We bought a few things, souvenirs for our trip, then around 7, headed back the hotel. At 5:30 tomorrow morning, we had to leave for the airport.

Jordan's POV*

We got back to the hotel and I dropped my bags down. "Well I'm exhausted." I said and sighed. I took off my earrings then blue dress. I pulled my hair down and changed into my pajamas. "I don't want to go back." I said, plopping next to Cameron. He smirked and pulled me onto his lap.

"Then let's not. Let's stay in Moscow, forever!" he started to kiss up and down my neck, my tickle spots, making me laugh.

"Cameron stop!" I said, in between fits of laughter. He stopped and looked at me, seriously.

"Did you really want me to stop?" I shook my head slowly, and he smiled. "Good." he pushed me onto the bed and got on top of me. He turned off the light and went to work.

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