25: together, we are trouble

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Liam looked up and mumbled, "Finish her off then?"

I quickly nodded, and gave her a gentle push that made her lose her balance. She fell backwards, pulling Harry with her as they crashed into the water.

"We did it!" I giggled as I leant down and hugged Liam's head. "We won!"

He laughed and looked up, "For someone who didn't want to play in the first place, you're sure happy that we've won, you know."

"Shut up," I laughed. "Now let me down!"

"As you wish," he grabbed my legs and pushed them up behind him, making me fall backwards into the pool.

I sunk into the water, letting myself become engulfed in the soothing liquid. I floated to the surface and relaxed, letting my eyes stay shut as I laid still and floated.

My feet were suddenly tugged, and I flailed my arms trying not to drag myself under the surface, which was a failure. I moved through the water, and was soon grabbed at the waist, being pulled out and placed on the side of the pool.

I opened my eyes and glared at him, "You could have killed me, you know."

"But I didn't, did I?" he asked as he grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his waist.


"Yes love?" he softly chuckled, grabbing my hands and moving them around his neck. He leaned in and pecked my lips before resting his head in the crook of my neck.

We sat wrapped in each other's limbs, kissing and quietly conversing for quite some time, before loud chatter filled my ears. My eyes shot up to see Brooke walking back into the yard, the red headed boy's hand in hers. Three others followed them, presumably the rest of his band.

"Welcome back," I smiled at her, and she instantly let go of Michael's hand.

"I uh, I- I invited the guys o-over if that's okay with you, Ni?" Brooke stuttered, walking back over to the pool. She put her phone back down on her pile of clothes, and ran to do a cannonball into the pool, splashing water everywhere.


Hours later we finally got out of the pool, and were all sitting back around the fire, fully clothed once again.

Zayn sat on the grass in front of me, while one of my hand played with his hair. Brooke and Michael were having a quiet conversation with each other, giggles continuously leaving her lips. The two other couples were spread around the fire, making conversation with the three other newcomers.

"Charli, I was thinking of going down to Lounge Soho tomorrow to see if Maggie was working. Did you want to come with me?" my sister asked, looking at me from across the fire.

"I actually have plans tomorrow, but you go and have fun," I smiled at her. "You can borrow my car if need you need to though. You know, to get around."

"That would be good, thanks!" she grinned, showing her perfectly white teeth that reflected the glow from the fire. "I was going to ask Gram or Gramps if I could borrow one of their cars, so that really works out."

"I take it that I'll be driving tomorrow then?" the boy below me looked up, a sly grin appearing on his lips. I nodded and giggled, making him laugh, "You're lucky that I was planning on it anyways babe."

"Good. It was your idea to hang out anyways."

"What would you have been doing if we weren't going out?"

"I'd probably be going out with some big jock that used me as a sex toy-"

"I meant tomorrow! What would you have been doing tomorrow if we weren't going out on a date?"

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