|Chapter Thirty-Five : I Trust You|

Start from the beginning

Good? That was so much more than good. The man has no idea.

My heart warms at his words and I slowly open my eyes to stare at him. The stark emotion in those green orbs renders me speechless for a moment.

"Thank you." I extend my hand to hold his face, "For saving yourself for me. And I'm sorry I couldn't-"

"Hey, hey." He holds my face in a quick swoop, "I didn't tell you about myself for you to feel sorry about yourself. You didn't even know you had a mate, Kate. Even if you did, I could never stop you from choosing to live your life the way you want. Or stop you from being with anyone other than me. Because deep down I know, your happiness matters the most to me. No matter what." He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear.

How did I get so lucky with this man?

As if noticing my sudden blurry eyes, he brushes his thumb across my cheek and passes me a teasing look, "I would not deny that I was jealous though. Thinking about someone touching you, like this. . ." His index finger trails down my face to my lips down my throat.

My breath hitches in my throat as they trail lower and lower down to my stomach. But just when I think it'll go even lower, he flattens his palm over my stomach and in a smooth sensous swipe glides them up to cup my breast.

"Or holding these like this." He squeezes the flesh making me let out a moan. That drugging heady sensation buzzes all over my body again, raising tingles on every inch of my skin.

"Or hearing you making sounds like this." His finger kneeds the bud as I shut my eyes and let out a breathless sigh.

"Or looking into your eyes while doing something like this," In a quick movement, he flips us over. I land on my back with him on top of me and the sheets over us like a tent.

I gasp as he pins my hands above my head and starts positioning himself between my legs.

"Val. . ." I call out making his darkened eyes bore into mine.

We're just seconds away from another round when a loud knock snaps us out of our bubble. In shock, I push Valerian and the covers of off me.

"Open the door, Sleeping Bitch!" Narcissa's shrilly voice yells from the other side.

I turn to Valerian in a panic but he's busy burning holes at the door and frowning. I poke his shoulder to gain his attention but he just gets off the bed as if ready to march towards the door, butt naked if I might add.

"How dare she call you that?" He fumes, "I'll go have a word with her."

My eyes widen at his words and without thinking much, I spring off the bed myself and run up to hold him back.

"What is wrong with you?!" I shriek pulling him away from reaching the door.

"She called you that." He mutters like a stubborn child trying to storm towards the door again.

I wrap my arms firmly around his torso and drag him far far away from the wooden door Narcissa kept banging at.

"It's really not the time to get protective, grumpy." I tug him towards my closet and push him into it.

"What are you doing?" He asks looking at me in confusion, his lips set in a pout.

He almost looked too cute for me to just drag him back and kiss him to my heart's content. But we were in a precarious situation here.

So, with a stern look, "You stay here until I get her out of the room."

When it's apparent he's listening half-heartedly, I place a finger below his chin and raise it, "If you try to act smart, I'll bury you alive in my closet."

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