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We chopper touches down and everyone pours out of it.  Coco ushers me toward the side of an abandoned building. I can see the warehouse a couple of miles away, and Caden's black vans pull up as well.  

"We have set up a special hotspot for you, all you have to do is disable the security system and the lights, then our men will go in a raid." 

I nod in affirmation as I pull out my laptop and begin the work, in minutes their whole security system is down and I nod to Caden, who's watching me from a couple of feet away.  I look up to him and say 

"In a couple of minutes they are going to notice that their security is not working, so get to them before they get to you." 

Caden nods and he and his men enter the vans and speed off.  There is a small security detail left with me and Coco as we wait for the raid to be done.

"So Coco" I say as I turn to face her

"Yeah?" She says  

"Do you think that you and Cole can build a life in this line of work? Can it ever happen?"


"What do you mean 'No'?" I say, a little shocked

"This line of work is not fit for children, I don't even think the mafia boss should have kids, he risks his child taking over when they are not ready.  A kid deserves a normal life, not this trauma" 

My stomach turns as I think about this, nearly causing me to throw up.  Caden and I could never have kids, their presence is just another weakness.  

"So you and Cole?" I ask

"We can't, even if we wanted to.  At eighteen I was shot in the stomach, destroyed any possibility of me having kids." 

"Coco I am sorry" 

"It's ok, It's honestly better this way." 

I want to say something but we hear the noise of the vans coming back and we both stand up to see what is happening.  The front van is driving with such an urgency as they quickly stop and open up the back.  Caden's men pull out a wounded man, I first don't catch his face but then quickly see who it is, Caden. His abdomen is bleeding and I quickly run up to him, Leo and Cole are both carrying him. 

"What happened?" I almost scream at Leo

"We thought we got all of them" He huffs out "There was a hiding man, he went for Cole with the gun but Caden jumped in front of his gun." 

We all get into the chopper as it quickly lifts off back to the mansion

"Caden making stupid decisions as always." Cole says

"Nothing is stupid about saving your life." Caden grunts out 

"At the expense of yours, yes, it is stupid." 

Caden just lets out a little laugh 

"Is he going to live?" I ask frantically 

"If we get back in a timely matter and have this bullet removed, definitely." Cole says 

This seems to calm me down as Caden reaches out his hand to hold mine 

"I am going to be ok" He says with a pain in his voice

We touch back down to the mansion and Leo and Cole tell carry him into the infirmary.  I follow him all the way but the doctor stops everyone.  

"We need a sterile environment, Leo and Cole place him on the operating table, but then I need everyone out." 

We all nod as we place him on the table and leave the room.  

"Return operations as normal" Cole says as all the surrounding men leave to do their work; leaving Leo, Cole, Coco and me.

"And what about me" I ask Cole 

"What about you?" Cole snaps "Do what you normally do around here, get Caden in danger or be a nuisance" 

"Cole please relax" Coco begins to say 

"This is not a time to relax, ever since she has got here, she has done nothing but hurt Caden.  And know that I know you two are involved, it is a matter of time before you get pregnant, which is just going to put more danger onto Caden.  If you really cared about him, you would leave." 

The words shock me, I feel sick at the inclination of what he is saying and I storm off to Cole's room.

I knock on Cole's door, it opens to both Cole and Coco

"Can I come in" I ask, they both step aside to let me in

"You were right, I need to leave." I state and they both look at me in shock

"Valentina are you sure?" Coco says

"I am pregnant, I can't stay here anymore.  I need to get out of Italy, this continent, now is the time to go, he won't recover for a couple of days." 

"Valentina I meant my words but you cannot expect us to abandon you considering that you are carrying his child.  And, what will you do for money."   Coco says 

"Don't worry, I will handle that, Caden will never figure out." 

"I need you to make sure that he never finds me," I say "

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2022 ⏰

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