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"Hey!" Seraphina laughed as she ran over to Jungkook. "Are you sure you don't wanna dance?"

"I'm sure." Jungkook chuckled up at her, it only been about twenty minutes since she left. "Look what I made!"

"Oh wow." Seraphina took the napkin, eyes widening at it. "You drew this?"

"Yep!" Jungkook smiled proudly

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"Yep!" Jungkook smiled proudly. "See? Much better than dancing."

Seraphina rolled her eyes with a smile, handing Jungkook his picture back. "Well, if you aren't going to dance, can you watch my shoes for me?"

"I gotchu." Jungkook nodded, Seraphina kicking her heels off, Jungkook putting them under his chair.

"Thanks Kook!" She waved and ran back to the dance floor, someone dancing with her already.

"She's crazy." Jungkook smiled, going back to his drawing.

I'm not completely agreeing with Jungkook, but Sera was indeed on the crazy side. She loved parties, she loved dancing, she loved singing to the songs.

She twirled around, jumped with others, sang with more. She didn't care who she was dancing with, no use learning their names. Boys took her by the waist and spun her, girls pulled her to their circles and started conversations or sang with her.

She didn't care what she was doing, she was just having fun.

Jungkook had completely abandoned his artworks. He watched everyone dance with Sera. No no, they were just passing her around, literally stealing her from other people. Why did she have to be so charming? Why couldn't she just be with Jungkook the entire time?

 Why did she have to be so charming? Why couldn't she just be with Jungkook the entire time?

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No no, that wouldn't be fair to her. She could do whatever she wanted, she could be with who she wanted to be.

Oh but it pissed Jungkook off so much.


I laughed with my friends, swaying sarcastically, dipping my friend. He pushed me away, causing another wave of laughter in our little group.

wait for meOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant