I laughed. Mik thought that I was going to be the death of him, but he was wrong. I would never risk his life because I wanted something I shouldn't have. If it ever came down to it, I'd make sure that Mik was far from any danger and take the risk myself.


"I didn't mean it, Jasper. It was an accident."

When I came home Jasper and Rose were having an argument. Apparently, Rosey did something that upset Jasper and he was telling her that he'd made up his mind to transfer schools.

"Brave, do you think it's fair for you to treat me like shit in front of your friends every chance you get, and I must just accept it and your half-hearted apologies every time you do it?"

She bit her lip, looking guilty, then shook her head.

"No, it's not. But in my defence, it is a little weird and creepy how you are always there. It's kinda like you're stalking me."

Jasper grunted, "I want to protect you. Don't you get that?"

"Yeah, but you don't need to. I can protect myself, my dad made sure of that."

That made me smile. I did make sure that she'd be able to protect herself, but I never minded Jasper keeping her safe either. Especially from little bastards like Billy Bob.

"Fine then! You don't need me, so why are you trying to stop me from leaving the school? You should be happy that you're weird, creepy stalker won't be there anymore, and you can finally have freedom."

Rose stomped her feet and folded her arms. "That's not what I meant; you're twisting my words. I don't want you to leave, I just want you to act like a normal person and not follow me everywhere like a pervert."

Her hand flew to her mouth when she realised what she said. Jasper lost all the fight in him as he sighed deeply. His shoulders slumping.

"I'm sorry that I'm not a normal person, Brave."

He turned and walked away from her, heading towards the door. Gabe was already out in the car with Freya waiting for him. Both he and Freya had made up and were back to being an annoying young couple.

Rosey ran after him, calling after him but he ignored her and kept walking. She ran up to him, reaching out to touch him, but he shrugged her touch off, causing her to fall.

"Ahh." She yelped.

Jasper turned around and was at her side in an instant. I wanted to go over to her because watching her in any kind of pain broke my heart. However, I stayed back and let Jasper handled it.

"Rosey, are you okay. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

My daughter, being the drama queen that she was, decided to use that to her advantage. She held her knees that were slightly bruised and started to cry. I knew that they were fake tears because she'd tried them on me several times.

"It hurts Jasper, it really hurts."

Jasper's face looked horrified and guilty. I could see that he was blaming himself for causing her pain. Rose saw it too and she continued to make him feel worse.

"You pushed me away, and I fell. Why did you do that?"

The waterworks were fully blown, and Jasper was falling under her spell. I laughed because that behaviour was all her own. It wasn't from me, and it definitely wasn't from her mother.

"Rosey, I didn't mean to. I promise you, I didn't. I would never purposely hurt you."

He tried to help her up, but she pulled away from him, much like he did. He reached out to her again, but thought better of it, pulling his hand back to his side.

"Then why did you pull away from me? Why are you trying to leave me?"

I smiled because he had lost even before the game started. My daughter was going to have things her way even if she had to guilt-trip him into it.

"I'm not. I swear, I'm not."

She sniffed, wiping at her fake tears. "So, you're not gonna leave me? You're not gonna leave school anymore?"

He lifted his hand and tucked her hair behind her ear. She blinked up at him, with her fake sadness lingering in her eyes.

"Huh, Jasper?"

With a sigh, he replied. "No, I'm not. Whatever makes you happy, Brave."

Her face lit up in a smile and she jumped to her feet. Pain forgotten. She clapped her hands, happily and cheered.

"Great! So that means, I'll see you in school on Monday."

She didn't wait for him to reply. Turning, she skipped back into the house, mumbling a song to herself.

Jasper stood there confused, wondering what just happened. Gabe walked up to him and rested his hand on his shoulder.

"You just got played, little brother. You just got played."

I stopped watching and made my way to my study. Their interaction still lingering in my head. I started to wonder what Red would think of our daughter and the way she dealt with the situation? Would she be proud like I was, or would she think that her behaviour was uncalled for?

Fighting For You (Book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें