Chapter 25

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As I read the rest of the paper to Tulip, she twirled her knife between her fingers, looking anxious. I read the last line on the back of the papyrus out loud. "Patients are to be killed after getting injected with kopfkino medicine. Dispose of the body immediately."

I looked up at the assassin to see her expression. It looked like she was thinking hard about something. "What?" I asked her.

She met my eye. Tulip walked backward and opened the metal cabinets and showed me the rows and rows of the black substance in the vials. I stared at them, mouth agape. "We need to get rid of these," said the assassin with a fierce tone in her voice.

"B-but how?" I stumbled. "We're disguised right now so how do you plan to do that? We can't exactly just walk out of the door with the kopfkino medicine in our arms, planning to destroy them."

She shrugged. "I don't know, but I just know they can not keep using this... thing."

I sighed as Tulip closed the doors, making a slight banging sound. "What did you expect? They're a huge army and they all look super menacing and stuff. A type of substance that makes people have a head cinema? That does not seem too far off."

She wrinkled her nose as if pondering about what I said. "Then we will somehow stop the Kopfkinos. For now, we need to look around this building. We need to know what we are up against."

I nodded and I unlocked the door that was locked before. It made a horrible creaking noise as I pushed it open. The assassin stormed past me, sheathing her knife in her knife casing obscured by her waistband. She pressed the down button for the elevator and we stood patiently, waiting for the doors to slide open. It took a long while, and I began tapping my foot on the ground, getting antsy. Tulip scowled at me and slapped my arm. "Stop that!" she hissed.

I clenched my teeth and tapped my foot harder and more rapidly. The assassin narrowed her eyes at me and looked as if she were thinking about the different ways to kill me. Just then, the elevator doors opened, revealing two women with large guns in their hands. As soon as they saw us, they pointed their weapons at us. The woman on the right, who had platinum blonde hair barked, "Who are you? What are you doing up here?"

I laughed and raised my arms behind my head. "Hey, one question at a time!" I teased.

All of the females scowled at me, including Tulip. The Kopfkino women exchanged a look and then nodded. The blonde one poked me in the chest with her gun, prodding me into the elevator. "Come on, move it."

The other one, who had long wavy brown hair, was holding the assassin's bare arm. She managed to keep a straight face as she stared into my jade green eyes. The elevator doors closed shut in front of us as the ladies pushed us behind them, their slender fingers on the trigger of their assault rifles. I reached into my back pocket, where my knife was. I looked over at Tulip, who had her knife in her hand already, sneaking up towards the security guard who pulled her into the cold metal box. I tapped the woman with platinum blonde hair on the shoulder and said, "Hey."

She whipped around and I plunged my pocket knife into the guard's vocal cords so she could not cry out for help. I propped the lady up against the smooth silver walls as if she were leaning against it, waiting for the elevator doors to slide open. I glanced over at the assassin to see how she was doing. She was wiping off the blood on her black hilted knife. I stared at the corpse lying at her feet. It had multiple stab wounds in the stomach. I looked at Tulip again. "How many times did you stab her?"

She shrugged, not looking up at me. "Just a few times. Three times."

The blood was leaking onto the floor, sliding towards my feet. I stepped out of the way so my shoes would not get soaked. The assassin focused on me. "Help me carry her."

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