Chapter 2

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"We go to the Garcia's party the night after tomorrow. We then kill all of them attending. We'll quickly steal all that we can. Is that clear?"

We all nodded, staring up intently at the bulky man in front of us, Randy Miller, also known as "The Wasp", which his name was from his famous venomous knives. He was the boss of this crew. A murder crew. We all went back to training after that brief. I picked up my ax, the silver blade gleaming. About to swing it at a training dummy, Randy Miller appeared at my side, stopping me. I looked at him nervously. He frowned at me and demanded, "Come to my office with me."

Then he walked away. "Uh, right now?" I asked.

No reply. I suppose that meant yes, so I followed him. We entered his office, which was quite small with dark brown wooden walls and floor. The desk was just a mahogany color that I disliked very much. He sat down on his gray swivel chair. I sat down across from him in an uncomfortable foldable chair. He looked at me with a frown. I just chuckled and tried for a smile but knowing me, it probably looked like I was trying to get food out from in between my teeth. "Tomorrow night you will be looking out towards the place where the Garcia party is being held," he announced, looking me straight into my green eyes.

I nodded. "Sounds good."

"That's not all. You will be looking out with Tech."

Tech. I hated that short, skinny Indian man. I've always hated him, from the moment I joined the crew to now. He always picked on me, even though I could beat him in a fight any day. But I had to admit, he was a good strategizer and good with electronics, which is where his nickname came from. "T-tech? Do I need to? I'm sure I can handle a little lookout by myself," I complained.

"No. There needs to be two, just in case. You know this, Julian Williams."

I sighed. "Okay. Where are we looking out?"

"The roof. You will be called back in when someone comes and gets you guys."

"Oh. Alright. So how come Tech isn't here for you to tell him what to do?"

"He already knows."


Of course, he did. I was always the last to know anything. I was always late. I was always lost in what we were supposed to do. I did everything wrong.

"And you will be leading the attack on Garcia's party."


He gave me a stern look. "I will not be going, and you need the experience. You will all be disguised and when the time is right, you and the rest of the crew will kill everyone in sight."

"O-oh. Fine."

Me?! Leading the entire CREW. To MASSACRE everyone?! That would be glorious if I did a good job and the plan succeeded, but if I screwed up I would be humiliated for the rest of my life.

"You're dismissed," said my boss, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, alright. Thanks. Bye!"

He didn't say 'bye' back. Not that I expected him to. I got up and left the office and went straight back to training.

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